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help: possible intent

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help: possible intent Empty help: possible intent

Post  albinsson Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:08 am


Please help me to get intents to work from Tasker so I don´t have to switch to Locus.

I´ve made an "action intent" in Tasker, which works almost perfectly. The only little problem is that I get the question which app I´d like to use, "Maps", "Radar" or "oruxmaps".
I´d like to work around that so that Oruxmaps loads instantly.
Here Is how the Tasker Intent looks like:

Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
Category: Default
Data: geo:62.139965,16.238113
Target: Activity

I´ve tried to make a Component Intent to directly load the coordinates in Oruxmaps (i.e not have to choose either "maps" or "oruxmaps")
And the Component Intent I´ve made in Tasker loads Oruxmaps but Oruxmaps views this message: Error! Unable to open the map! Perhaps you need to update maps source (in map selector screen).

Here is how my Component intent looks like:

Class: orux.oruxmaps.actividades.ActivityMap
Package: com.orux.oruxmaps
Category: Default
Data: geo:62.139965,16.238113
Target: Activity

I don´t really know what I´m doing here but my mind says that it should work somehow, so´I´m doing lots of trial and error.
I would really appericiate som help!



Cantidad de envíos : 6
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-11

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