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Map downloading... and trip computer related request

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Map downloading... and trip computer related request Empty Map downloading... and trip computer related request

Post  tsk1979 Wed May 09, 2012 3:24 pm

I am an oziexplorer user, and I must say that oruxmaps is equally good, if not better, for offroad navigation.
I have been using for a year now, and I must say you have done a great job!

I was thinking of 2 feature requests
1. When we use the map downloader(click 2 points on screen), we can select a rectangle. However, is it possible to select a polygon instead? We can touch 4-5 or more points on the screen. This way wasteful downloading is prevented.
2. Trip computer
Can the trip computer be enhanced so that we can have multiple odometers. For example ODO1, ODO2, ODO3. I can reset any one I want to zero.
There can also be information on avg speed etc., of current track segment, as well as the current track.
With these slight improvements, I feel oruxmaps can even be used for TSD rallying.All you need are three odometers.


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-03-17

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