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Possible bug in time recording/exporting

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Possible bug in time recording/exporting Empty Possible bug in time recording/exporting

Post  ujecrh Sat May 12, 2012 8:06 pm

I noticed what seems an inaccuracy recording time in gpx exports when the the track passes through the hour 24:00. It seems the day is not incremented as it should. See the example below extracted from a recent Oruxmaps gpx export:
<trkpt ...>

<trkpt ...>

The second <time> segment (and all subsequent ones) should be "2012-05-05..." and not "2012-05-04..." as we just crossed to the next day.

Is this a known bug?

(btw this was using the latest "donate" version from Android market but I guess it should be the same as the "free" one)



Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-03-20

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