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Alarm while following a route

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Alarm while following a route Empty Alarm while following a route

Post  MrDroos Sat May 19, 2012 10:45 pm


Today I started to use OruxMaps with a long distance cylce tour of over 100km and I have to say OruxMaps is a great navigation assistance!
However, I created a route as gpx and kml file and imported it into OruxMaps and set it up to follow as route. OruxMap gives me an alarm if I leave the route, that's fine. I hoped it gives me also an alarm i.e. if the route has a change in the direction because the route is not always a straight line ;-)
My question now is, how can I setup OruxMaps that it gives me an alarm for example 100m before I have to turn right oder left? Otherwise I have to check it every few seconds manually with my eyes while driving and it can be very stressful in cities I don't know and it would be nice to get a short sound from OruxMaps that I have to look to the device because there is a change in the direction. Other apps do this, i.e. ViewRanger, Locus, run.gps etc. also with imported routes. To be honest, mainly I want to use OruxMaps because its fantastic and offers everything I need and want, but the alarm while following a route is very important to me.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion or help! Smile

Kind regards


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-19

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Alarm while following a route Empty Re: Alarm while following a route

Post  MrDroos Sun May 20, 2012 11:03 am

Ok, I have an idea to work around.
I load a created gpx-track as route in OruxMaps. With viewranger I am able to create the waypoints from this gpx-track automatically. These waypoints from viewranger I can extract to my SD card and then I import it in to OruxMaps. After this I go to the waypoint list, select all and show them on the map. Now I have the exact route which is followed and I get an alarm reaching any waypoint on the route. Not the finest solution but it works. What I am asking to me is, when I load a track as route, I can choose to follow and the route alarm. Also I can choose wpt-alarm. Why are then there no waypoints loaded with the gpx-file?


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-19

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Alarm while following a route Empty another workaround?

Post  thomashsk Thu May 31, 2012 8:42 am


i did it in your way to follow a route, with the same problems.

now i tried another way. i only use waypoints for my route. (import from gpx). then i use the waypoint alert as an approximation alert. when the alert comes, i know its time to turn. works very well for me.



Cantidad de envíos : 29
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-28

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Alarm while following a route Empty An other idea to solve this problem ?

Post  UweMarkus Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:06 pm

Hello from a newbie to oruxmaps.
First : I love orux and use it for my bike tours. It's a really great program and i supported it with a donation and hope, that everybody does that, who uses it.

In the past i used MagicMaps2Go with my W6.5 phone. Was not bad but orux is better Wink

But my old program had this ´turn alarm´ we miss in orux like the first poster of this thread.

Now my question and idea to the orux programmer :
Is'nt it possible to add a new alert parameter : ´Alert xxx metres before the track turns for more than yyy degrees´
So i can let me warn, when i have to do for example a right turn with 90 degrees in 100m on my track.

What do you think about that ?

Thank you !


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-09-09

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Alarm while following a route Empty Re: Alarm while following a route

Post  TopBiker Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:57 pm

Hey folks,

I had a similar idea and called it cheeky "Maybe Egg of Columbus" Very Happy .

Its here in the IMPROVEMENTS section.

By reason that it is an improvment and programming is needed we might discuss this in that section?




Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-09-14

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Alarm while following a route Empty Other question about the subject if I may

Post  jitske rinze Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:48 pm

Can you explain me how I import a .gpx track, navigate with it (GPS wise) using an Offline-map which I have already installated under Mapfiles.

Thanks a lot.

jitske rinze

Cantidad de envíos : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-04-07

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