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Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps

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Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps Empty Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps

Post  Schroeder Tue May 07, 2013 8:05 pm

I have a .kmz file that I have created in arcgis that I am trying to load in Oruxmaps.
The file is 800 or so kbs in size.
I am running a Samsung Galaxy tab 2.

I have placed the .kmz file in overlays, and when I go to load it up, I see it listed, so I click on it, but it never shows up. Oruxmaps slows down considerably, so I know it's at least doing something.

Is there a size limit to what Oruxmaps can handle regarding .kmz files?

Thank you for your time.



Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-05-07

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Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps Empty Re: Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps

Post  Icarus Tue May 07, 2013 11:15 pm

I've had success with a 3Mb KMZ but it takes about 5 minutes to load (on a Samsung Galaxy S2). You should see an animated round circle with 'Processing' during the loading process.

I've since reduced the area of coverage for extraction of the KMZ and end up with a file about 920kbs. That loads in 25 seconds.

Perhaps give your device a bit more time to process. Alternatively, you may have many more vertices in the file that might be beyond the capabilities of OruxMaps.


Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03

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Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps Empty Re: Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps

Post  Schroeder Wed May 08, 2013 12:10 pm

I believe I have way too many vertices. This is the entire water and sewer infrastructure for our city/county here. Mains, manholes, valves, hydrants, water tanks, lift stations, pump stations, etc.

I'll keep trying to find a solution. Google Earth is great, but it's only useful if you have internet. Where we are there are valleys galore, and internet coverage is spotty at best, as well as cell phone coverage. (over half the Earth's surface is without internet service, I think someone ought to make an offline viewer for kmz files that will let you load background imagery, etc. then again I think someone should make all you can eat lobster and prime rib mandatory at all restaurants, too... cheers )

Anyway, I'll edit down to a water kmz and a sewer kmz and see what that does. The one I'm using is only 800 kbs, Maybe that will work, splitting them up.


Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-05-07

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Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps Empty Re: Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps

Post  Schroeder Wed May 08, 2013 12:59 pm

Of the two systems, there are water and sewer. I separated them, but it's no good, neither of them will load. I looked at the water layer and it has 7024 features, sewer has 15,494. Yeah, I don't think that's going to work.
Although the kmz file with them both together works perfectly in Google Earth.

But I can say that oruxmaps is awesome, I'll keep it on the tablet for future use for sure.


Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-05-07

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Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps Empty Re: Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps

Post  Icarus Wed May 08, 2013 9:33 pm

For what it's worth, I've recently come across an issue with output from ArcGIS where the KMZ displays fine in Google Earth but doesn't display in OruxMaps.

Refer to the images here -


In the screenshot from Google Earth, you'll see the airspace feature is represented by a solid line with a translucent band. The ArcGIS extraction derives the solid line and also the 'line' representing the back-edge of the translucent band. On some datasets, ArcGIS only extracts a single solid line (without the translucent band) and this displays fine in Google Earth. For some reason, these single solid lines don't display in OruxMaps.

I've yet to understand what the underlying issue is, but it's likely either a bug in the ArcGIS extraction or a bug in OruxMaps.

I'd recommend sending a sample KMZ to the developer and refer to this thread - oruxuro@gmail.com


Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03

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Loading .KMZ files in Oruxmaps Empty how to load a kmz file

Post  vairavanathan Sun May 12, 2013 7:09 am


it is simple. put you kmz file in orux overlay folder( u could see it when u connect ur phone with PC). open oruxmaps in ur phone. go to "tracks or routes" menu. select "manage". u will see list of tracks available , now select settings , import tracks . it will ask kml or kmz or gpx . select kmz or kml. now ur overlay folder will open. now select it thru check box. use eye symbol icon at top. open it. rest enjoy.


Cantidad de envíos : 9
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-05-10

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