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Set (formatting) map datum for automatic recognition

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Set (formatting) map datum for automatic recognition Empty Set (formatting) map datum for automatic recognition

Post  jmeyerdo Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:14 pm


I want to set the following datum for my calibrated maps in OziExplorer: "European 1950|Italy (Sardinia)". I added this datum information manually to OziExplorer already.

But please let me know how this string must be formatted in detail to be recognized by OruxMapsDesktop when opening .map file. I tried different formatting versions but always received the error message: "Unknow datum! Select it manually." Of course I can do that - but I want to prepare/calibrate more than 100 maps and would like to set this properly during calibration.

As I noticed now this is necessary for Batch Converter also (currently I receive the error message "Datum no soportado").

Kind regards!



Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-06-06
Localización : Dortmund, Germany

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Set (formatting) map datum for automatic recognition Empty Re: Set (formatting) map datum for automatic recognition

Post  orux Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:02 pm

jmeyerdo wrote:Hi!

I want to set the following datum for my calibrated maps in OziExplorer: "European 1950|Italy (Sardinia)". I added this datum information manually to OziExplorer already.

But please let me know how this string must be formatted in detail to be recognized by OruxMapsDesktop when opening .map file. I tried different formatting versions but always received the error message: "Unknow datum! Select it manually." Of course I can do that - but I want to prepare/calibrate more than 100 maps and would like to set this properly during calibration.

As I noticed now this is necessary for Batch Converter also (currently I receive the error message "Datum no soportado").

Kind regards!



You have to add to Ozi2Orux.txt file:

a) The datum what you see in .map file--->European 1950
b) The separator----->|
c) The datum you see in OruxMaps without ': '---->European 1950Italy (Sardinia)

try with---->European 1950|European 1950Italy (Sardinia)


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Set (formatting) map datum for automatic recognition Empty Thank you - working fine...

Post  jmeyerdo Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:09 am

Great! It's working fine now...

Thank you again for this incredible piece(s) of software - and your continous kind help!

All the best, Jens


Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-06-06
Localización : Dortmund, Germany

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Set (formatting) map datum for automatic recognition Empty Re: Set (formatting) map datum for automatic recognition

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