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Mobile Atlas Creator layers

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Mobile Atlas Creator layers Empty Mobile Atlas Creator layers

Post  Taffer Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:44 am

I have made a multi-layer map from google maps (layers 15-19) in Mobile Atlas Creator 1.8 Alpha 12, following the steps in the quick-guide found on the OruxMaps site. While the map works fine, it only displays the final layer (layer 19). When zooming out, it just zooms that map out and never loads any of the other layers. Zoom auto loading is enabled.


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Mobile Atlas Creator layers Empty Re: Mobile Atlas Creator layers

Post  Taffer Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:37 am

Update: I tried to view a map with a higher zoom layer (13 or something), and OruxMaps never moved out of layer 19, no matter how far I zoomed out. Thus, no map was displayed.


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Mobile Atlas Creator layers Empty Re: Mobile Atlas Creator layers

Post  orux Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:04 pm

Taffer wrote:Update: I tried to view a map with a higher zoom layer (13 or something), and OruxMaps never moved out of layer 19, no matter how far I zoomed out. Thus, no map was displayed.

Hi, Taffer;

you have to copy the entire folder with your map in /mapfiles/ folder; test the world map that you can download in oruxmaps.com

if you have created 'mymap' the you must have in mapfiles/ directory:

-------------------/mymap 14/
-------------------/mymap 15/


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Mobile Atlas Creator layers Empty Re: Mobile Atlas Creator layers

Post  Taffer Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:12 am

Hi orux,
thanks for your reply. I had indeed placed the atlas folder in the correct location (/mapfiles/mymap/mymap15 etc).

I just tried again today, and it worked perfectly. I followed the same steps I did last night, but this time everything worked as it should. I'm not quite sure why, but I guess I must have made an error last night when creating or copying the atlas folders. If anyone else has also had this problem, make sure you carefully generate your atlas using Mobile Atlas Creator, make sure you have copied the folders into the right location, and also, perhaps, try restarting oruxmaps and/or your phone (both things have happened since last night).

Anyway, thank you! I'm very pleased to have this working, and I'm very pleased with this app.


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