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Unable to load maps from SD Card

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Unable to load maps from SD Card Empty Unable to load maps from SD Card

Post  LostWate Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:32 am

I followed the tutorial to the letter.

I created a map on MOBIAC, copied the map directory to SD card, but apparently I cannot get application to read SD card. Windows and Android sees and writes to SD card no problem.

In Android, called SD Card. Tried all variations, tried copying map directory directly to root of device, still cannot get Orux to read map.

Do I need to rename the root file? it ends in .xml.

Using Archos 5 (so I can have a long life, low power usage device in the outdoors)




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Unable to load maps from SD Card Empty Directory Structure?

Post  LostWate Fri Dec 17, 2010 6:15 pm

When I copy the atlas over to the SD card. my directory structure is as follows:

SD Card (name in android)
Home2 (main atlas folder)

path set in OruxMaps is /sdcard/oruxmaps/mapfiles

Then path to atlas i.e.: /sdcard/oruxmaps/mapfiles/Home2

Then there are subfolders of the different levels. Also, there is a file called home2.otrk.xml

In the subfolders, there is also an xml file, then the images for each level are in a directory called "set".

Is this the correct directory structure? Do the images need to be at the root for each level folder?

Is Oruxmaps even getting to my SD card?

Any help would be most appreciated.

An idea for improvement (though the prog looks great!) is to allow someone to navigate to the maps/tracks/geocaches/cursors folder to set the path.


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Unable to load maps from SD Card Empty New Findings

Post  LostWate Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:45 pm

Apparently, I can install from my SD card, but cannot access it for files etc through apps.

I installed Astro, found that there was a /sdcard directory at the root. I copied my atlas there, and guess what? OruxMaps works wonderful.

Now I just need to figure out how to straighten up my directory structure.


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Unable to load maps from SD Card Empty Re: Unable to load maps from SD Card

Post  orux Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:16 pm

LostWate wrote:When I copy the atlas over to the SD card. my directory structure is as follows:

SD Card (name in android)
Home2 (main atlas folder)

path set in OruxMaps is /sdcard/oruxmaps/mapfiles

Then path to atlas i.e.: /sdcard/oruxmaps/mapfiles/Home2

Then there are subfolders of the different levels. Also, there is a file called home2.otrk.xml

In the subfolders, there is also an xml file, then the images for each level are in a directory called "set".

Is this the correct directory structure? Do the images need to be at the root for each level folder?

Is Oruxmaps even getting to my SD card?

Any help would be most appreciated.

An idea for improvement (though the prog looks great!) is to allow someone to navigate to the maps/tracks/geocaches/cursors folder to set the path.


oruxmaps/ directory was created automatically during installation of OruxMaps?

try to create a small map with OruxMaps Creator: Open an online map, then menu--tools--OruxMaps Creator.

Then open your sd card from your PC, where the map was created (directory)?


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Unable to load maps from SD Card Empty Re: Unable to load maps from SD Card

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