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Creating and saving a route from WP-list

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Creating and saving a route from WP-list Empty Creating and saving a route from WP-list

Post  fokus Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:35 am


it would be great to create a route directly from the WP list and save it.
"add to route" in WP menu. In the route menu there should be an otion to
move that WPs up and down.

Is this a hard work to implement?


@ Orux: I love OruxMaps so i made a little donation yesterday. pls keep on improoving your work!!!!

Cantidad de envíos : 54
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-22
Localización : Germany


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Creating and saving a route from WP-list Empty Re: Creating and saving a route from WP-list

Post  orux Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:10 pm

fokus wrote:Hi,

it would be great to create a route directly from the WP list and save it.
"add to route" in WP menu. In the route menu there should be an otion to
move that WPs up and down.

Is this a hard work to implement?


@ Orux: I love OruxMaps so i made a little donation yesterday. pls keep on improoving your work!!!!

Hi, thanks;

You can create (but not save it) a route from wpts:

--select first wpt, 'remove from list',
--select second wpt, 'remove from list'
menu--filter; 'invert selection'. Now you have a list with selected wpts. You can change the order (select one wpt, 'move up/down').
Finally menu--'to map as route'

Added to my todo list the option to create a route from those wpts.



Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Creating and saving a route from WP-list Empty Re: Creating and saving a route from WP-list

Post  fokus Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:05 pm

Ahhh, funny workaround - thx.


Cantidad de envíos : 54
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-22
Localización : Germany


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Creating and saving a route from WP-list Empty Re: Creating and saving a route from WP-list

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