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About the new buttons

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About the new buttons Empty About the new buttons

Post  tinytiny Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:18 am

I appreciate the new efforts to simplify the UI! Smile But there are some problems with the new buttons - once the menu is opened, it takes another click on the screen to close it before I can click on anything else. Ideally, once the menu is opened, any click outside the menu will dismiss it AND do whatever that click is supposed to do (such as opening another menu). Currently it's very annoying to do a lots of clicks, especially I still have not memorized what is under what menu Smile

Also, I'm sure for most frequent users, there are a few buttons that they use very often (for me, start tracking, add waypoint, and see statistics), and I prefer not having to go through several clicks to get to those frequently used functions. When I'm on the bike, I can't quite click the screen accurately, so less clicks the better Smile It would be great if the current build-your-own-menu mechanism can work with the new menu (i.e. making the new menu's buttons available for the customized menu builder), or, even better, if the users can customize both the buttons and the items on the dropdown. I hope I'm making sense here!

Another request: can you bring the double-tap to zoom in function back? Currently double-tap seems to do nothing, and it's hard to zoom in to exactly the spot I want if I'm operating the phone by only one hand (i.e. when pinch-to-zoom is not possible).

Please keep up the great work!! Basketball


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About the new buttons Empty Re: About the new buttons

Post  twoten Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:27 am

Hi tinytiny

The old buttons will work in conjunction with the new menu system.

You can still place buttons to the left and right of the screen. Placing them at the top doesn't appear to have any affect.


Cantidad de envíos : 115
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-10-04

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About the new buttons Empty Re: About the new buttons

Post  tinytiny Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:26 pm

Well the top menu is what I mean. I hardly use the left/right menus since they greatly decreased the map view I get. Would be great if I can customize the new top menu with a few one-click-and-no-popup buttons.


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About the new buttons Empty Re: About the new buttons

Post  nanu Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:13 pm

tinytiny wrote:
Another request: can you bring the double-tap to zoom in function back?
a suggestion: split the screen > right side = zoom in left side = zoom out so you have a large area for double tapping Very Happy its very convenient for bikers


Cantidad de envíos : 33
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-01-21

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