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Empty track list

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Empty track list Empty Empty track list

Post  chs Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:30 pm

With OruxMap 4.0.1 on Samsung Galaxy 5700 I can't see saved tracks in the 'Tracks'-View. The list is always emtpy, even after stopping track recording and seeing the toast 'Sucessfull saved the track into the database'. The creating of an automatic saved gpx-file works properly! I can load the file as a route into the map view. But, once again, I can't see any tracsk in the database track list. What's going wrong?
Here are some settings:
AutoSegment Distance = 0
AutoSegment Time = 0
Auto save = 1
Auto GPX creation = TRUE
Create first/last waypoint = TRUE
Minimal time = 2 sec
Minimal distance = 20 m
Accuracy for position fix = 50 m

By the way: There is another problem I can't understand: A created waypoint can't be renamed. My changings in the waypoint-edit-dialog are completely ignored by OruxMaps.

Any ideas? It would be great, if I can find some help here!


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-22

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Empty track list Empty Re: Empty track list

Post  orux Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:01 pm

chs wrote:With OruxMap 4.0.1 on Samsung Galaxy 5700 I can't see saved tracks in the 'Tracks'-View. The list is always emtpy, even after stopping track recording and seeing the toast 'Sucessfull saved the track into the database'. The creating of an automatic saved gpx-file works properly! I can load the file as a route into the map view. But, once again, I can't see any tracsk in the database track list. What's going wrong?
Here are some settings:
AutoSegment Distance = 0
AutoSegment Time = 0
Auto save = 1
Auto GPX creation = TRUE
Create first/last waypoint = TRUE
Minimal time = 2 sec
Minimal distance = 20 m
Accuracy for position fix = 50 m

By the way: There is another problem I can't understand: A created waypoint can't be renamed. My changings in the waypoint-edit-dialog are completely ignored by OruxMaps.

Any ideas? It would be great, if I can find some help here!


It seems a database corruption:

Rename 'oruxmapstracks.db file, inside /tracklogs/ directory. Restart oruxmaps, then try again to create/rename wpts/tracks.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Empty track list Empty Re: Empty track list

Post  chs Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:07 am

orux wrote:

It seems a database corruption:

Rename 'oruxmapstracks.db file, inside /tracklogs/ directory. Restart oruxmaps, then try again to create/rename wpts/tracks.


cool, that works! With the new database there are no problems anymore, until now ;-))
Many thanks for your good support and your great software!


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-22

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Empty track list Empty Re: Empty track list

Post  scu00 Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:04 pm

I' ve got a similar problem. All my recorded tracks were stored successfully into the database. But now when I want to export them to .gpx I can't see them.
I already renamed the oruxmapstracks.db file, but without success.
Motorola Defy, Android 2.1, Oruxmaps v4.2.0
Any ideas?



Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-04

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Empty track list Empty Re: Empty track list

Post  zmart Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:31 am

Have you looked in the gps directory you`ve adjusted in the settigs? There are the gps files stored.


Cantidad de envíos : 47
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-08-11

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Empty track list Empty Re: Empty track list

Post  scu00 Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:16 am

zmart wrote:Have you looked in the gps directory you`ve adjusted in the settigs? There are the gps files stored.

What is the "gps directory"?
In the the settings is adjusted /sdcardoruxmaps/tracklogs.
In this directory are the oruxmapstracks.db file, its backup and a gpx file which is stored automatically yesterday after I've enabled this feature and made a testride.
After the testride I got 'successfully stored in database' and 'file successfully created'
Loading this gpx as a route works fine.
If I go via 'manage tracks' or 'manage routes' I see nothing but the buttons for creating gpx/kml, delete and an enable/disable clickbox (btw: what is this for?)



Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-04

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Empty track list Empty Re: Empty track list

Post  orux Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:28 pm

scu00 wrote:
zmart wrote:Have you looked in the gps directory you`ve adjusted in the settigs? There are the gps files stored.

What is the "gps directory"?
In the the settings is adjusted /sdcardoruxmaps/tracklogs.
In this directory are the oruxmapstracks.db file, its backup and a gpx file which is stored automatically yesterday after I've enabled this feature and made a testride.
After the testride I got 'successfully stored in database' and 'file successfully created'
Loading this gpx as a route works fine.
If I go via 'manage tracks' or 'manage routes' I see nothing but the buttons for creating gpx/kml, delete and an enable/disable clickbox (btw: what is this for?)


Hi Olaf.

You should have two database files in oruxmaps/tracklogs/ directory:

oruxmapstracks.db --> current tracks database.
oruxmapstracks.db.backup --> the backup of the main database. You can configure how many days between backups.

if something is wrong with main database, you can first try to restore the backup:
1.make a backup of both files.
2.delete oruxmapstracks.db file
3.rename the oruxmapstracks.db.backup to oruxmapstracks.db

Open OruxMaps and see if you can see your restored tracks.

If all the databases are corrputed, you can delete oruxmapstracks.db file. OruxMaps should create a new one.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Empty track list Empty Re: Empty track list

Post  scu00 Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:22 pm

Hi orux,
thanks for support.
restoring the backup file wasn't successful. I deleted it, saved the main database into another directory and let om create a new .db and backup. Now it works fine.
Are there any possibilities to repair the old .db? I need the tracks.



Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-04

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Empty track list Empty Re: Empty track list

Post  orux Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:38 pm

scu00 wrote:Hi orux,
thanks for support.
restoring the backup file wasn't successful. I deleted it, saved the main database into another directory and let om create a new .db and backup. Now it works fine.
Are there any possibilities to repair the old .db? I need the tracks.


Hi, Olaf;

send me --> oruxuro@gmail.com


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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