Error al cargar mapas de OpenStreetMap Cyclemap
2 posters
Error al cargar mapas de OpenStreetMap Cyclemap
Lo primero agradecerte el programa que he descubierto hace poco, de momento estoy trasteando con el para pillarlo el truco pero es una maravilla.
He visto que al cargar los mapas online de OpenStreetMap Cyclemap sale cuadrados por todo el mapa diciendo que hay que realizar un cambio de configuración y una dirección que esta:
Según leo parece que hay que actualizar el servidor.
Te reporto el error para que puedas subsanarlo en próximas versiones.
Change of Tileserver URL
In summer 2010 I changed the URL of the OpenCycleMap tileserver, but kept the old url available. While most people have already updated their websites and applications, some people still haven’t got round to doing it yet. The old server has now stopped updating the map data, whereas the new server has faster caches and updated cartography too. I’ve already contacted as many people as I can, now I need your help.
People enjoying OpenCycleMap
If you are visiting this page, that’s likely because you have been enjoying a website or an application and you’ve seen the “Configuration change required” image, shown on the right. This means that the website or application still uses the old, soon-to-be-turned-off OpenCycleMap server. Please get in contact with the site admins or application authors and point out this page to them. There might be a forum or feedback link where you can get in touch with the right people or you might know their email addresses.
Information for Developers
The old URL, which you are using somewhere in your app or website, will be similar to this
You need to update it to
If you are using the (a|b|c) subdomain prefixes, they stay the same. If you’re not, don’t worry. Please note that the domain and the path are both different. It’s worth reviewing the Terms of Service and if you have any queries please feel free to get in touch.
He visto que al cargar los mapas online de OpenStreetMap Cyclemap sale cuadrados por todo el mapa diciendo que hay que realizar un cambio de configuración y una dirección que esta:
Según leo parece que hay que actualizar el servidor.
Te reporto el error para que puedas subsanarlo en próximas versiones.
Change of Tileserver URL
In summer 2010 I changed the URL of the OpenCycleMap tileserver, but kept the old url available. While most people have already updated their websites and applications, some people still haven’t got round to doing it yet. The old server has now stopped updating the map data, whereas the new server has faster caches and updated cartography too. I’ve already contacted as many people as I can, now I need your help.
People enjoying OpenCycleMap
If you are visiting this page, that’s likely because you have been enjoying a website or an application and you’ve seen the “Configuration change required” image, shown on the right. This means that the website or application still uses the old, soon-to-be-turned-off OpenCycleMap server. Please get in contact with the site admins or application authors and point out this page to them. There might be a forum or feedback link where you can get in touch with the right people or you might know their email addresses.
Information for Developers
The old URL, which you are using somewhere in your app or website, will be similar to this
You need to update it to
If you are using the (a|b|c) subdomain prefixes, they stay the same. If you’re not, don’t worry. Please note that the domain and the path are both different. It’s worth reviewing the Terms of Service and if you have any queries please feel free to get in touch.
Esplox- Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-02-13
Re: Error al cargar mapas de OpenStreetMap Cyclemap
Esplox wrote:Lo primero agradecerte el programa que he descubierto hace poco, de momento estoy trasteando con el para pillarlo el truco pero es una maravilla.
He visto que al cargar los mapas online de OpenStreetMap Cyclemap sale cuadrados por todo el mapa diciendo que hay que realizar un cambio de configuración y una dirección que esta:
Según leo parece que hay que actualizar el servidor.
Te reporto el error para que puedas subsanarlo en próximas versiones.
Change of Tileserver URL
In summer 2010 I changed the URL of the OpenCycleMap tileserver, but kept the old url available. While most people have already updated their websites and applications, some people still haven’t got round to doing it yet. The old server has now stopped updating the map data, whereas the new server has faster caches and updated cartography too. I’ve already contacted as many people as I can, now I need your help.
People enjoying OpenCycleMap
If you are visiting this page, that’s likely because you have been enjoying a website or an application and you’ve seen the “Configuration change required” image, shown on the right. This means that the website or application still uses the old, soon-to-be-turned-off OpenCycleMap server. Please get in contact with the site admins or application authors and point out this page to them. There might be a forum or feedback link where you can get in touch with the right people or you might know their email addresses.
Information for Developers
The old URL, which you are using somewhere in your app or website, will be similar to this
You need to update it to
If you are using the (a|b|c) subdomain prefixes, they stay the same. If you’re not, don’t worry. Please note that the domain and the path are both different. It’s worth reviewing the Terms of Service and if you have any queries please feel free to get in touch.
cambiado para la próxima.,
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
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