beta 4.8.4 OKMAP justo lo que soñaba =)
3 posters
beta 4.8.4 OKMAP justo lo que soñaba =)
instale la ultima beta y estoy muy ansioso por probar Okmap segun lo que lei me permite ver un track en vivo desde mi PC aunque todavia no he aprendido como hacer el enlace quisiera saber si alguien del foro ya ha incursionado en el tema para ayudarme con la configuración.
Finger- Cantidad de envíos : 44
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-11-16
Re: beta 4.8.4 OKMAP justo lo que soñaba =)
Sorry for English in this topic, but this is very similar issue which i observed.
I have tried establish Live Track connection between beta Orux and OKMap, unfortunately without success. All ports are opened, OKMap is listening but Orux does not establish connection. If I checked another application on phone, connection is established and OKMap reported that received wrong request. Are any other settings in Orux which i can check beyond described in changes overview?
I have tried establish Live Track connection between beta Orux and OKMap, unfortunately without success. All ports are opened, OKMap is listening but Orux does not establish connection. If I checked another application on phone, connection is established and OKMap reported that received wrong request. Are any other settings in Orux which i can check beyond described in changes overview?
Boru- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-13
Localización : Poland
Re: beta 4.8.4 OKMAP justo lo que soñaba =)
Boru wrote:Sorry for English in this topic, but this is very similar issue which i observed.
I have tried establish Live Track connection between beta Orux and OKMap, unfortunately without success. All ports are opened, OKMap is listening but Orux does not establish connection. If I checked another application on phone, connection is established and OKMap reported that received wrong request. Are any other settings in Orux which i can check beyond described in changes overview?
It is working;
check that you have the same port configured both in OkMaps and Oruxmaps.
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
Boru- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-13
Localización : Poland
Re: beta 4.8.4 OKMAP justo lo que soñaba =)
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
Re: beta 4.8.4 OKMAP justo lo que soñaba =)
Works perfectly
Thanks again
Boru- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-13
Localización : Poland
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