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Export to gpx - Problems

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Export to gpx - Problems Empty Export to gpx - Problems

Post  BerniPi Sat May 19, 2012 9:42 am

Hi orux,

for some weeks i have problems with the gpx files exported from oruxmaps. I usually import them to SportTracks 3 and each time there are two problems:
1. The activity get the wrong date: I opened the exported gpx file (from oruxmaps), there is a problem with the date of trackpoints.
An example from two days ago:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1" xmlns:gpxtpx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1" creator="OruxMaps" version="1.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd">
<name><![CDATA[2012-05-17 10:54]]></name>
<link href="http://www.oruxmaps.com">
<time>2012-05-17T08:54:34Z</time><bounds maxlat="47.30542930440586" maxlon="9.651848288696147" minlat="47.13242437902703" minlon="9.484871442702696"/>
<name><![CDATA[2012-05-17 10:54]]></name>
<desc><![CDATA[<h1>OruxMaps</h1><br /><hr align="center" width="480" style="height: 2px; width: 517px"/><h2>Name: 2012-05-17 10:54</h2><br /><p>Startzeit: 05/17/2012 10:54</p><p>Zielzeit: 05/18/2012 13:22</p><p>Distanz: 61,6 km (02:27)</p><p>Bewegungszeit: 02:24</p><p>Durchschnitts-Geschw.: 25 km/h</p><p>Netto Geschwindigkeit: 25,6 km/h</p><p>Max. Geschwindigkeit: 44,7 km/h</p><p>Minimale Höhe: 445 m</p><p>Maximale Höhe: 544 m</p><p>Steig-Geschw.: 760,4 m/h</p><p>Sink-Geschw.: -785,3 m/h</p><p>Aufstieg: 557 m</p><p>Abstieg: -590 m</p><p>Steigzeit: 00:43</p><p>Sinkzeit: 00:45</p><p>Min. HRM: 91</p><p>Max. HRM: 166</p><p>Avg. HRM: 145</p><p>Calories: 1919</p><hr align="center" width="480" style="height: 2px; width: 517px"/>]]></desc>
<trkpt lat="47.28416077397385" lon="9.651848288696147">
<trkpt lat="47.28383720646651" lon="9.651610451324167">

2-The heartrate data doesn't get added to the trackpoints, but is correctly added at the end of file (I usually start the gps and bluetooth, then start oruxmaps, start gps and hrm in oruxmaps and wait for position and connection before starting RecHRM):
An example:

<trkpt lat="47.28361460188731" lon="9.651333865417898">
<trkpt lat="47.28371789102333" lon="9.651564117207837">
<om:bpm  xmlns:om="http://www.oruxmaps.com/oruxmapsextensions/1/0">
91 2012-05-17T08:54:37Z
92 2012-05-17T08:54:39Z
102 2012-05-17T08:54:42Z
112 2012-05-17T08:54:44Z
114 2012-05-17T08:54:47Z
114 2012-05-17T08:54:49Z
113 2012-05-17T08:54:52Z

Both problems are not severe for me, because i can change the date manually and add the Heartrates with my script. (link to the file https://www.dropbox.com/s/ufhzfj23j5w9m59/2012-05-17%201054__20120517_1054.gpx, i hope that works)



Cantidad de envíos : 26
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-05-24
Localización : Austria

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Export to gpx - Problems Empty Re: Export to gpx - Problems

Post  orux Sat May 19, 2012 5:49 pm

BerniPi wrote:Hi orux,

for some weeks i have problems with the gpx files exported from oruxmaps. I usually import them to SportTracks 3 and each time there are two problems:
1. The activity get the wrong date: I opened the exported gpx file (from oruxmaps), there is a problem with the date of trackpoints.
An example from two days ago:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1" xmlns:gpxtpx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1" creator="OruxMaps" version="1.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd">
<name><![CDATA[2012-05-17 10:54]]></name>
<link href="http://www.oruxmaps.com">
<time>2012-05-17T08:54:34Z</time><bounds maxlat="47.30542930440586" maxlon="9.651848288696147" minlat="47.13242437902703" minlon="9.484871442702696"/>
<name><![CDATA[2012-05-17 10:54]]></name>
<desc><![CDATA[<h1>OruxMaps</h1><br /><hr align="center" width="480" style="height: 2px; width: 517px"/><h2>Name: 2012-05-17 10:54</h2><br /><p>Startzeit: 05/17/2012 10:54</p><p>Zielzeit: 05/18/2012 13:22</p><p>Distanz: 61,6 km (02:27)</p><p>Bewegungszeit: 02:24</p><p>Durchschnitts-Geschw.: 25 km/h</p><p>Netto Geschwindigkeit: 25,6 km/h</p><p>Max. Geschwindigkeit: 44,7 km/h</p><p>Minimale Höhe: 445 m</p><p>Maximale Höhe: 544 m</p><p>Steig-Geschw.: 760,4 m/h</p><p>Sink-Geschw.: -785,3 m/h</p><p>Aufstieg: 557 m</p><p>Abstieg: -590 m</p><p>Steigzeit: 00:43</p><p>Sinkzeit: 00:45</p><p>Min. HRM: 91</p><p>Max. HRM: 166</p><p>Avg. HRM: 145</p><p>Calories: 1919</p><hr align="center" width="480" style="height: 2px; width: 517px"/>]]></desc>
<trkpt lat="47.28416077397385" lon="9.651848288696147">
<trkpt lat="47.28383720646651" lon="9.651610451324167">

2-The heartrate data doesn't get added to the trackpoints, but is correctly added at the end of file (I usually start the gps and bluetooth, then start oruxmaps, start gps and hrm in oruxmaps and wait for position and connection before starting RecHRM):
An example:

<trkpt lat="47.28361460188731" lon="9.651333865417898">
<trkpt lat="47.28371789102333" lon="9.651564117207837">
<om:bpm  xmlns:om="http://www.oruxmaps.com/oruxmapsextensions/1/0">
91 2012-05-17T08:54:37Z
92 2012-05-17T08:54:39Z
102 2012-05-17T08:54:42Z
112 2012-05-17T08:54:44Z
114 2012-05-17T08:54:47Z
114 2012-05-17T08:54:49Z
113 2012-05-17T08:54:52Z

Both problems are not severe for me, because i can change the date manually and add the Heartrates with my script. (link to the file https://www.dropbox.com/s/ufhzfj23j5w9m59/2012-05-17%201054__20120517_1054.gpx, i hope that works)



take a look-->https://oruxmaps.forumotion.com/t1938-wrong-date-when-uploading-to-trainingstagebuchorg

may be this is the problem,,


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Export to gpx - Problems Empty Re: Export to gpx - Problems

Post  BerniPi Sun May 20, 2012 4:09 pm

Thank you, i use a Galaxy S. I think it's the described bug. Is there anything I can do to solve the issue?



Cantidad de envíos : 26
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-05-24
Localización : Austria

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Export to gpx - Problems Empty Potential fix for Oruxmaps

Post  steed Wed May 23, 2012 5:36 am

Several sources, such as this stackoverflow thread say this bug can be avoided by apps if the NmeaListener interface is used instead of LocationListener. That thread also includes NmeaListener code that was used by others who verified it overcome the problem.

Will it be possible to include the fix in the next version of Oruxmaps?


Cantidad de envíos : 21
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-22

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