Do not see my map
Do not see my map
Hello from France,
Was using a RHONE.KMZ file on my previous Galaxy spica with Oruxmaps, I changed my phone to a Galaxy S2 (Android 4.04), just copied my Rhone.kmz map file to sdcard/oruxmaps/mapfile but I do not see my card as a choice and cannot open it.
As I am using Oruxmaps 4.8.61 and was using a one year old version on my previous phone, I am a bit lost and not to sure I made all suitable operations to view my KMZ file with new Oruxmaps....
Not even sure if my map format is ORUXMAPS READABLE...
May-be I will get some help from someone here,
Best regards,
Was using a RHONE.KMZ file on my previous Galaxy spica with Oruxmaps, I changed my phone to a Galaxy S2 (Android 4.04), just copied my Rhone.kmz map file to sdcard/oruxmaps/mapfile but I do not see my card as a choice and cannot open it.
As I am using Oruxmaps 4.8.61 and was using a one year old version on my previous phone, I am a bit lost and not to sure I made all suitable operations to view my KMZ file with new Oruxmaps....
Not even sure if my map format is ORUXMAPS READABLE...
May-be I will get some help from someone here,
Best regards,
amartinod- Cantidad de envíos : 8
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-10-12
Re: Do not see my map
Found the answer in the manual :
OruxMaps uses a proprietary format maps. This is due to the limitations of a mobile device in the management of large images. A map is a folder with the name of the map which contains:
1. Ever, a file with. otrk2.xml with calibration data.
2. A file with a. db or a series of folders with images of the map.
OruxMaps uses a proprietary format maps. This is due to the limitations of a mobile device in the management of large images. A map is a folder with the name of the map which contains:
1. Ever, a file with. otrk2.xml with calibration data.
2. A file with a. db or a series of folders with images of the map.
amartinod- Cantidad de envíos : 8
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-10-12
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