Problem with external Bluetooth GPS
Problem with external Bluetooth GPS
I used to connect an external BT GPS HOLUX GR230 when Hiking to incresease authonomy and this was working well.
The GR230 gone dead
I bought a new GT750F (see link below)
With this one, each time I start ORUXMAPs, I only receive a single first point, and after this point, nothing.
If I stop, and restart, i get another single point and that's all.
If I use "Bluetooth GPS Provider" and select "start GPS" instead of "Start External GPS", then it's ok.
Is there a way to avoid using GPS provider
Waiting your answer
I used to connect an external BT GPS HOLUX GR230 when Hiking to incresease authonomy and this was working well.
The GR230 gone dead
I bought a new GT750F (see link below)
With this one, each time I start ORUXMAPs, I only receive a single first point, and after this point, nothing.
If I stop, and restart, i get another single point and that's all.
If I use "Bluetooth GPS Provider" and select "start GPS" instead of "Start External GPS", then it's ok.
Is there a way to avoid using GPS provider
Waiting your answer
pab- Cantidad de envíos : 21
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-03-13
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