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Track DB Path Bug or Feature?

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Track DB Path Bug or Feature? Empty Track DB Path Bug or Feature?

Post  womisa Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:18 pm


i have a new smartphone LGP700 with can not move APKs to the external SD-Card. But i can configure the maps path and the tracklogs path to the external path ( eg. /sdcard/external_sd/OruxData/). This works very well as for track export to gpx...

But the "oruxmapstracks.db" is not moved to "/sdcard/external_sd/OruxData/tracklogs" it is still on the installation Dir and not moved"/sdcard/oruxmaps/tracklogs/" (internal SD-Card). Why?

Question: Is it possible to configure the path from the "oruxmapstracks.db" to the external SD. How does that work?



Cantidad de envíos : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-04-14

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Track DB Path Bug or Feature? Empty Re: Track DB Path Bug or Feature?

Post  orux Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:29 pm

womisa wrote:Hi

i have a new smartphone LGP700 with can not move APKs to the external SD-Card. But i can configure the maps path and the tracklogs path to the external path ( eg. /sdcard/external_sd/OruxData/). This works very well as for track export to gpx...

But the "oruxmapstracks.db" is not moved to "/sdcard/external_sd/OruxData/tracklogs" it is still on the installation Dir and not moved"/sdcard/oruxmaps/tracklogs/" (internal SD-Card). Why?

Question: Is it possible to configure the path from the "oruxmapstracks.db" to the external SD. How does that work?



It is preferable to have the databases in the internal memory, is often faster, and if OruxMaps can not access it, would have a serious problem (removable cards).

Currently you can not configure OruxMaps to place the databases in the external sdcard. In the future it may.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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