Error loading kml file
2 posters
Error loading kml file
trying to load a kml file generated by I get an "Error loading file".
After that when touching the touchscreen OruxMaps get an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in, called from aid.handleMessage(Sourcefile 91).
The kml file is 4MB big so I can see how that happens
trying to load a kml file generated by I get an "Error loading file".
After that when touching the touchscreen OruxMaps get an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in, called from aid.handleMessage(Sourcefile 91).
The kml file is 4MB big so I can see how that happens
RichZ- Cantidad de envíos : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-18
Re: Error loading kml file
RichZ wrote:Hi,
trying to load a kml file generated by I get an "Error loading file".
After that when touching the touchscreen OruxMaps get an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in, called from aid.handleMessage(Sourcefile 91).
The kml file is 4MB big so I can see how that happens
It should not happen with android version> 4.0.
But it is possible with older versions, there is an important limitation of memory on these devices
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
Re: Error loading kml file
orux wrote:
It should not happen with android version> 4.0.
But it is possible with older versions, there is an important limitation of memory on these devices
yes, it is a 2.3.x device.
However I noticed that even when I split the file to parts around 300K there are still plenty of problems and oruxmaps seems to require more memory than with much larger kml files from other sources.
Any ideas if specific kml constructs could be using up more memory than expected? The entries look pretty bloated for my eye. also can export to following formats:
* Tomtom POI OV2
* Tomtom POI ASC
* Tomtom ITN ITN
* Google Earth KML
* Google Earth KMZ
* EasyGps GPX
* OziExplorer RTE
* OziExplorer PLT
* MioMap MIO
* Excel (NL) XLS
* Excel (UK/US) XLS
* Fugawi GPS TXT
* Navigon RTE
* Kompass Verlag TK
* Overlay OVL
* MagicMaps IKT
* Garmin Nuvi CSV
* Garmin CRS CRS
* !BETA! MioMapv3/IGo UPD
* !SOON! Sygic UPI
which ones would be best to try?
RichZ- Cantidad de envíos : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-18
Error loading kml file
I have now tried the csv format and used gpsbabel to convert to a fairly celan and minimal kml file. Still impossible to load the file.
RichZ- Cantidad de envíos : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-18
Error loading kml file
I am concluding that the underlying xml parsing library has a severe memory leak. Frequently the crashes occur some time after a kml file has been loaded.
Loading 1000 simple points corrsponding to approximately 40-50K packed information should never cause out of memory problems.
Loading 1000 simple points corrsponding to approximately 40-50K packed information should never cause out of memory problems.
RichZ- Cantidad de envíos : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-18
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