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Starting application with target waypoint

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Starting application with target waypoint Empty Starting application with target waypoint

Post  Robert Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:27 am


I am the developper of the android app: CacheZoeker.
This is an application for geocaching.

For geocaching it is useful to have TOPO maps and with OruxMaps it is possible to get them on Android. Instead of developping my own TOPO maps within CacheZoeker, I would like to use OruxMaps. However, this would mean that I would like to start OruxMaps with a target waypoint.
E.g. within CacheZoeker waypoints are created and one is selected as a target waypoint. If the user wants to switch from Google maps to TOPO map, then the CacheZoeker can start OruxMaps and the user sees the waypoints on the map and the target waypoint can be seen.

Is this possible? And if so, how?
Can I write some data somewhere or is there another solution?

- Robert


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Starting application with target waypoint Empty Re: Starting application with target waypoint

Post  orux Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:45 pm

Robert wrote:Hello,

I am the developper of the android app: CacheZoeker.
This is an application for geocaching.

For geocaching it is useful to have TOPO maps and with OruxMaps it is possible to get them on Android. Instead of developping my own TOPO maps within CacheZoeker, I would like to use OruxMaps. However, this would mean that I would like to start OruxMaps with a target waypoint.
E.g. within CacheZoeker waypoints are created and one is selected as a target waypoint. If the user wants to switch from Google maps to TOPO map, then the CacheZoeker can start OruxMaps and the user sees the waypoints on the map and the target waypoint can be seen.

Is this possible? And if so, how?
Can I write some data somewhere or is there another solution?

- Robert

Hi, Robert;

With current version, you can open:

--best offline map (more detailed map if exists) at current position using:
Intent i=new Intent("com.oruxmaps.VIEW_MAP_OFFLINE");

--last online map used (default google maps) at a given position:
Intent i=new Intent("com.oruxmaps.VIEW_MAP_ONLINE");
i.putExtra("latitude", 0.00);//latitude, wgs84 datum
i.putExtra("longitude", 0.000);//longitude, wgs84 datum

But I can add other options, through Extra data, if you want; -->oruxuro@gmail.com


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Starting application with target waypoint Empty Re: Starting application with target waypoint

Post  Robert Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:20 pm

Thanks for your quick reply.
I have sent you an email.

Great support!


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Starting application with target waypoint Empty Re: Starting application with target waypoint

Post  Jannis Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:01 pm


is it possible to add some intent to start/stop a new/old tracklog?

It would be perfect because with the app Tasker my milestone allready knows that when i power on my bluetoothheadset i´m going to bicycle and tasker can then start tracking and stop it later when the headset is unplugged. So i can never forget to do the tracking(what almost everytime happens Laughing )

Best regards Jannis


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Starting application with target waypoint Empty Anything new on this?

Post  Jannis Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:52 pm

don´t want to bother, but are there any new intents?

Best regards Jannis


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Starting application with target waypoint Empty Re: Starting application with target waypoint

Post  orux Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:55 pm

Jannis wrote:Hi
don´t want to bother, but are there any new intents?

Best regards Jannis

Hi, Jannis;

not yet; but it is in my list.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Starting application with target waypoint Empty Re: Starting application with target waypoint

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