Possible bug in OruxMapsDesktop
Possible bug in OruxMapsDesktop
I found a bug in OruxMapsDesktop:
When I try to convert OZI map file through Converter, I get this result:
But if I do the same through Batch Converter, I get this:
Here is my MAP file:
Is it a BUG? Or I do something wrong?
I found a bug in OruxMapsDesktop:
When I try to convert OZI map file through Converter, I get this result:
- Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OruxTracker xmlns="http://oruxtracker.com/app/res/calibration"
<MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="15">
<MapChunks xMax="5" yMax="7" datum="Pulkovo 1942:Russia@WGS 1984:Global Definition" projection="Transverse Mercator,33.000000000,0.000000000,1.000000000,500000.00,0.00" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="050k--n36-012-2.gif" />
<MapDimensions height="3075" width="2543" />
<MapBounds minLat="55.828101892555004" maxLat="56.00517414415624" minLon="35.742107390016216" maxLon="36.00416567535236" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="35.7422838209177" lat="56.00517414415624" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="36.00280027211232" lat="55.828101892555004" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="36.00416567535236" lat="56.004756931951974" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="35.742107390016216" lat="55.82850477768903" />
But if I do the same through Batch Converter, I get this:
- Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OruxTracker xmlns="http://oruxtracker.com/app/res/calibration"
<MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="0">
<MapChunks xMax="5" yMax="7" datum="Pulkovo 1942:Russia@WGS 1984:Global Definition" projection="Transverse Mercator,33.000000000,0.000000000,1.000000000,500000.00,0.00" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="050k--n36-012-2.gif" />
<MapDimensions height="3075" width="2543" />
<MapBounds minLat="NaN" maxLat="NaN" minLon="NaN" maxLon="NaN" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="NaN" lat="NaN" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="NaN" lat="NaN" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="NaN" lat="NaN" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="NaN" lat="NaN" />
Here is my MAP file:
- Code:
OziExplorer Map Data File Version 2.2
1 ,Map Code,
Pulkovo 1942 (2),WGS 84, 0.0000, 0.0000,WGS 84
Reserved 1
Reserved 2
Magnetic Variation,,,E
Map Projection,Transverse Mercator,PolyCal,No,AutoCalOnly,No,BSBUseWPX,No
Point01,xy, 51, 91,in, deg, 56, 0.0000,N, 35, 45.0000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point02,xy, 1270, 86,ex, deg, 56, 0.0000,N, 35, 52.5000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point03,xy, 2483, 84,in, deg, 56, 0.0000,N, 36, 0.0000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point04,xy, 57, 1541,ex, deg, 55, 55.0000,N, 35, 45.0000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point05,xy, 1271, 1536,in, deg, 55, 55.0000,N, 35, 52.5000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point06,xy, 2487, 1532,ex, deg, 55, 55.0000,N, 36, 0.0000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point07,xy, 56, 2990,in, deg, 55, 50.0000,N, 35, 45.0000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point08,xy, 1268, 2986,ex, deg, 55, 50.0000,N, 35, 52.5000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point09,xy, 2496, 2979,in, deg, 55, 50.0000,N, 36, 0.0000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point10,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point11,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point12,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point13,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point14,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point15,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point16,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point17,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point18,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point19,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point20,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point21,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point22,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point23,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point24,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point25,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point26,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point27,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point28,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point29,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point30,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Projection Setup, 0.000000000, 33.000000000, 1.000000000, 500000.00, 0.00,,,,,
Map Feature = MF ; Map Comment = MC These follow if they exist
Track File = TF These follow if they exist
Moving Map Parameters = MM? These follow if they exist
MMPLL,1, 35.750000, 56.000000
MMPLL,2, 36.000000, 56.000000
MMPLL,3, 36.000000, 55.833333
MMPLL,4, 35.750000, 55.833333
MOP,Map Open Position,0,0
IWH,Map Image Width/Height,2543,3075
Is it a BUG? Or I do something wrong?
Maxim- Guest
Re: Possible bug in OruxMapsDesktop
Maxim wrote:Hello!
I found a bug in OruxMapsDesktop:
When I try to convert OZI map file through Converter, I get this result:
Is it a BUG? Or I do something wrong?
Yes, it is a bug;
Try with the last version of OruxMapsDesktop (updated today).
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
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