Wrong Date in GPX file
2 posters
Wrong Date in GPX file
Greetings! I've been using Oruxmaps Android app (v3.2.7) to upload my tracks to Everytrail.com and I've noticed that the dates of the tracks are one day ago but the title/filename of the track shows the correct date. I thought this was an error while exporting to everytrail but upon looking at the GPX file generated by Oruxmaps, it shows that the filename is correct but the date of the GPX file is a day ago. Is there a solution to this? I've checked the date of my GalaxyS and so far the date is correct as well as the GMT. I can send the actual file if needed. Just give me an email to send it to. Thanks!
airzoink- Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-21
Re: Wrong Date in GPX file
airzoink wrote:Greetings! I've been using Oruxmaps Android app (v3.2.7) to upload my tracks to Everytrail.com and I've noticed that the dates of the tracks are one day ago but the title/filename of the track shows the correct date. I thought this was an error while exporting to everytrail but upon looking at the GPX file generated by Oruxmaps, it shows that the filename is correct but the date of the GPX file is a day ago. Is there a solution to this? I've checked the date of my GalaxyS and so far the date is correct as well as the GMT. I can send the actual file if needed. Just give me an email to send it to. Thanks!
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
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