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Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion .

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Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion . Empty Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion .

Post  mick711 Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:27 pm


Sorry after my calibartion problem an other XD

Map don't show continously but i think i see the problem but don't know how solve it .

Orux the map i send to you i think you can see if you see that :

Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion . Carte1y.th

Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion . Carte2i.th

Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion . Carte3.th

Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion . Carte4.th

In the Top and Left it's OK but in the Bottom and Right there have an other color .It is the problem ?

I don't know .




Cantidad de envíos : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-01-07

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Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion . Empty Re: Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion .

Post  orux Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:37 pm

mick711 wrote:Hello

Sorry after my calibartion problem an other XD

Map don't show continously but i think i see the problem but don't know how solve it .

Orux the map i send to you i think you can see if you see that :

In the Top and Left it's OK but in the Bottom and Right there have an other color .It is the problem ?

I don't know .




OruxMaps only can display one map at the same time; perhaps in teh future....


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion . Empty Re: Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion .

Post  mick711 Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:55 pm

I'm confused sorry i don't know that Embarassed

I'm very happy you solve hugo06 and my problem very quickly, i like this software i test the last beta for the moment but i don't know what is the OSGB grid but i try to find .


EDIT i find in french OSBG Grid Wink : http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/fr/British_national_grid_reference_system


Cantidad de envíos : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-01-07

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Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion . Empty Re: Map view continously probably bad parameters for convertion .

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