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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Empty the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

Post  gps Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:36 am

Bug report OruxMaps 3.3.11beta


Bug report in OruxMaps 3.3.11beta

Bug: When I zoom the map to a level greater or smaller, then the screen freezes. The screen is all gray.
Only when I move the map again (with the fingers), the map will appear with the new level.
With version 3.2.7 this was still OK.

Oruxmaps: 3.3.11beta
android: v2.1
source map: Map+ (Switzerland) zoom level 9-16
Map generatet with Mobile Atlas Creator v1.8: Atlas settings > OruxMaps Sqlite / Layer settings in JPEG - quality 80, recreate-adjust map tiles 256x256
Phone: Garmin Asus Nüvifon A50 with 320x480 pixel

cu gps


Cantidad de envíos : 15
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-19
Localización : CH


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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Empty Re: the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

Post  gps Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:19 pm


Today I noticed that this bug only happens in GPS offline mode.
If the GPS chip is switched on, everything is ok >> The zoom levels works.

the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Screenshot1297002003346
Screenshot: gray screen

cu gps


Cantidad de envíos : 15
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-19
Localización : CH


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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Empty Re: the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

Post  orux Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:18 pm

gps wrote:Bug report OruxMaps 3.3.11beta


Bug report in OruxMaps 3.3.11beta

Bug: When I zoom the map to a level greater or smaller, then the screen freezes. The screen is all gray.
Only when I move the map again (with the fingers), the map will appear with the new level.
With version 3.2.7 this was still OK.

Oruxmaps: 3.3.11beta
android: v2.1
source map: Map+ (Switzerland) zoom level 9-16
Map generatet with Mobile Atlas Creator v1.8: Atlas settings > OruxMaps Sqlite / Layer settings in JPEG - quality 80, recreate-adjust map tiles 256x256
Phone: Garmin Asus Nüvifon A50 with 320x480 pixel

cu gps


with all your maps?

using on screen buttons or multi-touch?


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Empty the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

Post  gps Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:16 am

orux wrote:


with all your maps?

using on screen buttons or multi-touch?

Thanks for your reply.

The problem is the same with all my maps.

The screen freezes with:
Multi-touch two fingers to enlarge and shrink
hardware volume buttons on the side of the device

with the screen buttons (plus and minus) it works without problems

cu gps


Cantidad de envíos : 15
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-19
Localización : CH


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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Empty Re: the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

Post  orux Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:44 pm

gps wrote:
orux wrote:


with all your maps?

using on screen buttons or multi-touch?

Thanks for your reply.

The problem is the same with all my maps.

The screen freezes with:
Multi-touch two fingers to enlarge and shrink
hardware volume buttons on the side of the device

with the screen buttons (plus and minus) it works without problems

cu gps


perhaps you have a 'strange' map in your sdcard?

please, try this:
--create a new folder in your sdcard, put there the world map.
--change maps directory to the new folder in settings--application--maps directory.

works fine/wrong this map?



Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Empty Re: the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

Post  gps Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:38 am

Same settings with Mobac.
I just created a small new map with Mobac. (Swisstopo, google earth, google maps).
I've created on the phone sdcard in a new subdirectory.
Changed in the settings sub-directory.
But its work wrong

The same frozen screen.
I've also found - but very rare - zooming with the screen buttons (plus / minus) freezes sometimes also.

Tested with version OruxMaps3.3.12beta

cu gps


Cantidad de envíos : 15
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-19
Localización : CH


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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Empty Re: the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

Post  orux Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:36 pm

gps wrote:hi
Same settings with Mobac.
I just created a small new map with Mobac. (Swisstopo, google earth, google maps).
I've created on the phone sdcard in a new subdirectory.
Changed in the settings sub-directory.
But its work wrong

The same frozen screen.
I've also found - but very rare - zooming with the screen buttons (plus / minus) freezes sometimes also.

Tested with version OruxMaps3.3.12beta

cu gps

Hmmm, I can not reproduce this error.

does it happen only when when the zoom reaches digital zoom, or with between layers zoom too?


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Empty Re: the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

Post  gps Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:35 am

hi orux

The screen freezes only when I switch from one layer to another layer.
Digital zoom is ok.

Normal, I use an 8GB SD card.
Today I also tried it out with another SD card and other maps.
The result is always the same.

cu gps


Cantidad de envíos : 15
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-19
Localización : CH


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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Empty Re: the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

Post  orux Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:58 pm

gps wrote:hi orux

The screen freezes only when I switch from one layer to another layer.
Digital zoom is ok.

Normal, I use an 8GB SD card.
Today I also tried it out with another SD card and other maps.
The result is always the same.

cu gps


I can not reproduce this problem. Tested with my nexus, dream and emulator.

Does anyone else have this problem?


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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the screen Freezes when I zoom the map Empty Re: the screen Freezes when I zoom the map

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