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Tracks and Waypoints management similar as file manager

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Tracks and Waypoints management similar as file manager Empty Tracks and Waypoints management similar as file manager

Post  Hannes Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:22 pm


I like a lot the new beta 3.5.29 and also the new functions and look of Tracks and Waypoints under Menu. I would like to make a suggestion that might make these screens even more user friendly.

I tried to use waypoints in OruxMaps similar as one would use Points Of Interest in a classic navigation device. I imported all gas stations of a region as waypoints in OruxMaps and to find the nearest gas station around my actual position, I loaded these waypoints on a map. I found out this was not so practical as I had to select the gas stations in my waypoints without selecting other waypoints. Using waypoint categories and then filtering offers a solution but it has its limits.

I have no idea how much effort it requires, but in my opinion it would be practical and open up new possible uses of waypoints and tracks if the user would be able to organize the Tracks and Waypoints as in a file manager: create folders and subfolders and group waypoints or tracks in these (sub)folders. Of course other file manager operations would be practical also: move, delete, cut, paste...

Points Of Interests could then be used in OruxMaps as waypoints grouped in different folders in a directory structure with folders and subfolders.
It would be nice to organize imported or logged tracks in a similar manner. Cycling activities in one folder, hikes of your holiday in France in another folder...

Again, I have no idea of the effort this would require, but I think this would ease the organisation of tracks and waypoints in OruxMaps...Thanks for considering it.


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