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Use SRTM data for appropriate elevation

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Use SRTM data for appropriate elevation Empty Use SRTM data for appropriate elevation

Post  BerniPi Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:18 pm

I know that GPS was made vor horizontal positioning and has weaknesses in vertical aspects. But on my mountainbike tours the data is completely useless. Fortunatley there is a plugin for Sporttracks called "Elevation Correction" which corrects the elevation data afterwards. It works great, even if I know, that the SRTM data has its own weaknesses and that it dosn't show the real ground high, if there are trees or buildings. But it's always way better than the data from my phone. (The initial value is ok, but the value change too slow if i climb a hill, if it changes at all.)

My idea is to add an additional field, that shows the SRTM data for the current position. Additional features would be, that it shows the elevation of the cursor position or can show elevation profiles of routes. The SRTM data for the European Alps for example is 80 Mb (there are packages on http://openmtbmap.org/download/). I think it's not that much, because it can be used with all different maps.

What do you think?


edit: i found, that the problem is related to the gps of my phone (samsung galaxy s). i changed the rom to cyanogenmod and the elevation changes as it should.


Cantidad de envíos : 26
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-05-24
Localización : Austria

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Use SRTM data for appropriate elevation Empty Re: Use SRTM data for appropriate elevation

Post  orux Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:37 am

TheAbalone wrote:I know that GPS was made vor horizontal positioning and has weaknesses in vertical aspects. But on my mountainbike tours the data is completely useless. Fortunatley there is a plugin for Sporttracks called "Elevation Correction" which corrects the elevation data afterwards. It works great, even if I know, that the SRTM data has its own weaknesses and that it dosn't show the real ground high, if there are trees or buildings. But it's always way better than the data from my phone. (The initial value is ok, but the value change too slow if i climb a hill, if it changes at all.)

My idea is to add an additional field, that shows the SRTM data for the current position. Additional features would be, that it shows the elevation of the cursor position or can show elevation profiles of routes. The SRTM data for the European Alps for example is 80 Mb (there are packages on http://openmtbmap.org/download/). I think it's not that much, because it can be used with all different maps.

What do you think?


edit: i found, that the problem is related to the gps of my phone (samsung galaxy s). i changed the rom to cyanogenmod and the elevation changes as it should.


I want to add this option in OruxMaps, using NASA or other online Digital elevation model.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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