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Finnish topo-maps

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Finnish topo-maps Empty Finnish topo-maps

Post  Magnumi Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:12 am

Would it be possible to include support for Finnish topographic map-sources such as http://www.retkikartta.fi/ or http://kansalaisen.karttapaikka.fi?

I've used an python script to download offline maps, but it is quite tedious to do and takes a lot of time.

So far I've used Oruxmaps while boating, hiking, geocaching and cycling. It's been simply awesome! cheers


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-08-26

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Finnish topo-maps Empty Re: Finnish topo-maps

Post  orux Sun Aug 28, 2011 4:57 pm

Magnumi wrote:Would it be possible to include support for Finnish topographic map-sources such as http://www.retkikartta.fi/ or http://kansalaisen.karttapaikka.fi?

I've used an python script to download offline maps, but it is quite tedious to do and takes a lot of time.

So far I've used Oruxmaps while boating, hiking, geocaching and cycling. It's been simply awesome! cheers


you can use httpfox to see the urls behind those sites.

Then it is easy to try configuring your own onlinemapsoureces.xml


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Finnish topo-maps Empty Finnish topo-maps

Post  Magnumi Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:57 am

Even if the configuration file (onlinemapsources.xml) is pretty clear I was unable to make an correct entry which would work. Some help would be highly appreciated!

I tried httpfox and the request at retkikartta.fi seem to have simple structure and they use geocoding which is supported by Oruxmaps.

Here are some examples:
00:00:01.837 0.333 456 171043 GET 200 image/png http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/maps/2393x6.614597x2152x4105.png?cid=6fc01623ddb001434cee4b87cbde4cb9
00:00:01.852 0.468 456 158561 GET 200 image/png http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/maps/2393x6.614597x2152x4104.png?cid=6fc01623ddb001434cee4b87cbde4cb9
00:00:01.865 0.392 456 156824 GET 200 image/png http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/maps/2393x6.614597x2152x4103.png?cid=6fc01623ddb001434cee4b87cbde4cb9
00:00:01.976 0.519 456 162386 GET 200 image/png http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/maps/2393x6.614597x2153x4105.png?cid=6fc01623ddb001434cee4b87cbde4cb9
00:00:01.988 0.725 456 148249 GET 200 image/png http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/maps/2393x6.614597x2153x4104.png?cid=6fc01623ddb001434cee4b87cbde4cb9
00:00:02.001 0.286 456 135488 GET 200 image/png http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/maps/2393x6.614597x2153x4103.png?cid=6fc01623ddb001434cee4b87cbde4cb9
00:00:13.103 0.376 456 (193811) GET (Cache) image/png http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/maps/2393x6.614597x2150x4102.png?cid=6fc01623ddb001434cee4b87cbde4cb9
00:00:13.117 0.417 456 (190260) GET (Cache) image/png http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/maps/2393x6.614597x2151x4102.png?cid=6fc01623ddb001434cee4b87cbde4cb9
00:00:13.129 0.491 456 164738 GET 200 image/png http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/maps/2393x6.614597x2152x4102.png?cid=6fc01623ddb001434cee4b87cbde4cb9
00:00:13.142 0.501 456 136396 GET 200 image/png http://ntile1.navici.com/t/retkikartta/maps/2393x6.614597x2153x4102.png?cid=6fc01623ddb001434cee4b87cbde4cb9


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-08-26

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