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Error on minimazing the OruxMaps while track loging.

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Error on minimazing the OruxMaps while track loging. Empty Error on minimazing the OruxMaps while track loging.

Post  Intiims1 Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:03 am


I'm using HTC Tattoo. I installed OruxMaps yesterday and it works fine, but there is one serious bug that keeps from using all the features. I open Orux Maps -> Actual location -> Get a GPS position Fix, Press "TRACK LOGGING" then I minimize the Map app (Press Home, or the End Call/Power button) When I come back to the OruxMap app I get error "The application OruxMaps (process com.orux.oruxmaps) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. Force close.". Basically you can’t log tracks and use your phone.



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Error on minimazing the OruxMaps while track loging. Empty Re: Error on minimazing the OruxMaps while track loging.

Post  orux Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:59 am

Intiims1 wrote:Hi,

I'm using HTC Tattoo. I installed OruxMaps yesterday and it works fine, but there is one serious bug that keeps from using all the features. I open Orux Maps -> Actual location -> Get a GPS position Fix, Press "TRACK LOGGING" then I minimize the Map app (Press Home, or the End Call/Power button) When I come back to the OruxMap app I get error "The application OruxMaps (process com.orux.oruxmaps) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. Force close.". Basically you can’t log tracks and use your phone.


Hi, not normal. Seems a problem with data corruption when restoring state.

Please, install aLogcat, and send me a log after a crash.

Then uninstall/install again the application. --oruxuro@gmail.com.


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Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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