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BAROMETER: works or not?

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BAROMETER: works or not?  Empty BAROMETER: works or not?

Post  neobios Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:19 pm

Why I select "calculate altitude from barometer" the track result after a trip is all with altidude = 0 ?
Can someone confirm if the altitude from pressure gauge operates in OruxMaps?

My device is Sony Xperia Active ST17


Cantidad de envíos : 31
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-05

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BAROMETER: works or not?  Empty Re: BAROMETER: works or not?

Post  orux Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:10 pm

neobios wrote:Why I select "calculate altitude from barometer" the track result after a trip is all with altidude = 0 ?
Can someone confirm if the altitude from pressure gauge operates in OruxMaps?

My device is Sony Xperia Active ST17


Are you sure that this device has barometer?


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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BAROMETER: works or not?  Empty Re: BAROMETER: works or not?

Post  neobios Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:54 am

orux wrote:
neobios wrote:Why I select "calculate altitude from barometer" the track result after a trip is all with altidude = 0 ?
Can someone confirm if the altitude from pressure gauge operates in OruxMaps?

My device is Sony Xperia Active ST17


Are you sure that this device has barometer?


Yessss, I'm sure:

I've installed BAROMETRIC ALTIMETER an application from GPlay:
and this is ok....
Why not in Oruxmaps?

Mi device is based on Android 4.0.4


Cantidad de envíos : 31
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-05

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BAROMETER: works or not?  Empty BAROMETER: works or not?

Post  pfadfinder-outdoor Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:26 pm

yes the Xperia Active has a barometer, I have this model my self.
Since update 4.8.61 the starting of the barometer is not working correct.
In the former Version, you started the App, started GPS, calibrated the barometer, wait a few minutes and start your trip with record.
And the altidude was recorded correct.

In the new version 4.8.61 if you do it the same way, the altidude will not record it will stay at your starting elevation and shows zero climbing.
But if you go to settings/GPS and tick BAROMETER FOR ELEVATION off and on, then start record, the Barometer will work correct.
You can even do this during recording (off/on) and the Barometer starts to work correct, with your calibrated elevation plus the meters you allready climbed.



Cantidad de envíos : 22
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-08-25
Localización : Germany


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BAROMETER: works or not?  Empty Re: BAROMETER: works or not?

Post  drcyber Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:43 am

when i use the Barometer with my Xperia Active it shows the correct absolute Sealevel, but somehow the total "gain altidude" is always less than my garmin edge 305 and other Bike-Computers calculate. With a total climb of 1500m it differs about 2-300 Meters.. was it my fault? where can i adjust the Calculation-Settings to have about the same as in my Garmin?



Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-07-31

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BAROMETER: works or not?  Empty Re: BAROMETER: works or not?

Post  pfadfinder-outdoor Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:09 am

I see the same difference, but in the other direction, on Altitude with my Xperia Active and a Sigma Bike-Computer.
Oruxmaps is 100m MORE then the Bike-Computer by a total climbe of aprox. 500m.

No Problem on an Bike, but when you use it to fly a 747 maybe you get into trouble. Wink Laughing



Cantidad de envíos : 22
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-08-25
Localización : Germany


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BAROMETER: works or not?  Empty Re: BAROMETER: works or not?

Post  neobios Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:26 pm

pfadfinder-outdoor wrote:Hi,
yes the Xperia Active has a barometer, I have this model my self.
Since update 4.8.61 the starting of the barometer is not working correct.
In the former Version, you started the App, started GPS, calibrated the barometer, wait a few minutes and start your trip with record.
And the altidude was recorded correct.

In the new version 4.8.61 if you do it the same way, the altidude will not record it will stay at your starting elevation and shows zero climbing.
But if you go to settings/GPS and tick BAROMETER FOR ELEVATION off and on, then start record, the Barometer will work correct.
You can even do this during recording (off/on) and the Barometer starts to work correct, with your calibrated elevation plus the meters you allready climbed.


I try tomorrow, thanks a lot!


Cantidad de envíos : 31
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-05

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BAROMETER: works or not?  Empty Re: BAROMETER: works or not?

Post  pfadfinder-outdoor Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:31 am

Try the last beta 5.0beta19. It works perfect.


Cantidad de envíos : 22
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-08-25
Localización : Germany


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BAROMETER: works or not?  Empty Re: BAROMETER: works or not?

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