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Performance and size of sqlite database file

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Performance and size of sqlite database file Empty Performance and size of sqlite database file

Post  mohella Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:15 pm


I have been using this Oruxmaps very much and it is such a great application!!

At the moment I am trying to download an area from Mobile Atlas Creator bigger than I have usually done. My question that arises when doing this is:
Does anyone have a recommended maximum size of the sqlite database file?
Is there a size of the sqlite mapfile where the performance of using it in the Oruxmaps-client starts to drop?
I am on a HTC Desire. I guess it is also dependant of the hardware on the mobile unit.


Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-05-30

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Performance and size of sqlite database file Empty Re: Performance and size of sqlite database file

Post  orux Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:53 pm

mohella wrote:Hi!

I have been using this Oruxmaps very much and it is such a great application!!

At the moment I am trying to download an area from Mobile Atlas Creator bigger than I have usually done. My question that arises when doing this is:
Does anyone have a recommended maximum size of the sqlite database file?
Is there a size of the sqlite mapfile where the performance of using it in the Oruxmaps-client starts to drop?
I am on a HTC Desire. I guess it is also dependant of the hardware on the mobile unit.

Hi, mohella;

The images are indexed inside the database; I think size should not be a problem. But I have not tested maps bigger than 200-300 mb. I know there are people with maps >1gb, and I have no reports about poor performance.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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