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MapMaking Layers

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MapMaking Layers Empty MapMaking Layers

Post  Psycogeek Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:05 pm

I am trying to perfect the layers of maps that i am using.
i decided to go with everyother map being different, so i dont have to decide which map via the Pop-up.
I have some terrain maps, and some satalite maps and i wanted to interleave the layers, when doing a layer zoom.
the idea here is every other layer is the other type of map.
Like this

Type ----Layer
Sattalite 5
Terrain 6
Sattalite 7
Terrain 8
Satalite 9
Terrain 10

So i went ahead and made the maps like this
1) Terrain 6 & 8 & 10 ( 3 layers as ONE database)
2) Satalite 5 & 7 & 9 (as one database)

Orux maps stays on the same database and jumps from 6 to 8 to 10, instead of jumping back and forth between databases
Terrain 6
Terrain 8 (missing sattalite 7 untill manually selected)

this might be a good thing, depending on what i was trying to do, but it did not act as i was thinking it would
SO i think i am going to have to make the layers all as seperate single layer map items
like this:
1) Sattalite 5 (each one in seperate database, only one layer per map)
2) Terrain 6
3) Sattalite 7
4) Terrain 8
5) Satalite 9
6) Terrain 10

this is either a map making tip, or a question :-) I am pretty sure of what happened, but the whole process was complex, and goes deeper than this example, so i might have screwed up something.
beta 3.5.8 still.


Cantidad de envíos : 53
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-14

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MapMaking Layers Empty Re: MapMaking Layers

Post  orux Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:14 pm

Psycogeek wrote:I am trying to perfect the layers of maps that i am using.
i decided to go with everyother map being different, so i dont have to decide which map via the Pop-up.
I have some terrain maps, and some satalite maps and i wanted to interleave the layers, when doing a layer zoom.
the idea here is every other layer is the other type of map.
Like this

Type ----Layer
Sattalite 5
Terrain 6
Sattalite 7
Terrain 8
Satalite 9
Terrain 10


You can create this kind of map using MOBAC:

1.-open mobac
2.-select the zone to download
3.-select source terrain
4.-select layers 6,8,10
5.-add selection
6.-select source satellite
7.-deselect layers 6,8,10
8.-select layers 5,7,9 (it is important to select different layers)
9.-add selection
10.drag&drop second selection inside first selection.
11. create oruxmaps sqlite map.

try Smile


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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MapMaking Layers Empty Re: MapMaking Layers

Post  Psycogeek Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:24 am

I thought merge did not work properly?
so as long as they are different map types a merge will work?
the next layer often has a different selection area , it would have a different calibrations, would it be important that these maps be exatally the same area/selection?
i am gonna try this and see what happens.


Cantidad de envíos : 53
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-14

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MapMaking Layers Empty Re: MapMaking Layers

Post  orux Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:16 pm

Psycogeek wrote:I thought merge did not work properly?
so as long as they are different map types a merge will work?
the next layer often has a different selection area , it would have a different calibrations, would it be important that these maps be exatally the same area/selection?
i am gonna try this and see what happens.

Only one limitation: no more that one layer per zoom level.

Normally there is no match between all layers. For example, if you build a map by adding layer '0', this layer is 1x1 tile size, with the entire world inside Smile

It is normal that upper layers include larger zones than deeper layers.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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MapMaking Layers Empty Re: MapMaking Layers

Post  Psycogeek Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:19 pm

i ended up making them all seperate, which only has the problem of many many file items.
By being seperate i can use the Great feature you provided of turning the maps items on and off.
because you allowed for folder usage , it is not messy at all.
so with the 4 different map types, i can shut off whole folders of say the terrain, and have only sattalite, or switch to the trail map only, for its layers.
i can interleave S5-S7-S9-S11 with T4-T6-T8 , or with a few button presses interleave R4-R6-R8 or any other combinations.
so i can have satalite and topo every other map, or trail and topo, or trail and satalite
Happy day Happy day.


Cantidad de envíos : 53
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-14

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