Bug with Latitude/Longitude projection
Bug with Latitude/Longitude projection
Hi orux,
i've converted a Latitude/Longitude projected map from Ozi-Format. Conversion went through without error and the resulting otrk2.xml file looks like this
which looks resonable.
When i opend this map in Ozi and move to any of the 4 corners, it will show the correct coordinates as they also apear in the xml.
However, when i open the map in Oruxmaps on my Android and navigate to the corners, it will show me the following coordinates:
Top-Left: 14.02.../98.35... [O.K.]
Top-Right: 16.80../101.34... [should be 14.02.../102.47...]
Bottom-Right: 13.93.../104.17... [should be 9.90.../102.47...]
Bottom-Left: 11.15.../101.19... [should be: 9.90.../98.35....]
so it seems that, although the map is in "Flat Earth" mode, you're somehow distorting the coordinates....
Can you confirm that this is a bug or am I doing something wrong?
i've converted a Latitude/Longitude projected map from Ozi-Format. Conversion went through without error and the resulting otrk2.xml file looks like this
- Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OruxTracker xmlns:orux="http://oruxtracker.com/app/res/calibration"
<MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="0">
<MapChunks xMax="6" yMax="6" datum="WGS84" projection="Flat Earth" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="longdo_11" />
<MapDimensions height="2999" width="2999" />
<MapBounds minLat="9.909264531249999" maxLat="14.025475468750003" minLon="98.35953453125" maxLon="102.47574546874999" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="98.35953453125" lat="14.025475468750003" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="102.47574546874999" lat="9.90926453125" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="102.47574546874999" lat="14.02547546875" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="98.35953453125" lat="9.909264531249999" />
which looks resonable.
When i opend this map in Ozi and move to any of the 4 corners, it will show the correct coordinates as they also apear in the xml.
However, when i open the map in Oruxmaps on my Android and navigate to the corners, it will show me the following coordinates:
Top-Left: 14.02.../98.35... [O.K.]
Top-Right: 16.80../101.34... [should be 14.02.../102.47...]
Bottom-Right: 13.93.../104.17... [should be 9.90.../102.47...]
Bottom-Left: 11.15.../101.19... [should be: 9.90.../98.35....]
so it seems that, although the map is in "Flat Earth" mode, you're somehow distorting the coordinates....
Can you confirm that this is a bug or am I doing something wrong?
bigm- Guest
Re: Bug with Latitude/Longitude projection
hi, bigm;
Sure it is an OruxMaps problem.
I have tested 'longitude/latitude' with little maps (15-20km), where you can suppose a 'flat earth'. But you are testing a very big map (I am talking about km, not pixels size, where you can not use a flat earth representation).
I need to study what is 'longitude/latitude' for Ozi.
Could you send me this map? --->oruxuro@gmail.com
Sure it is an OruxMaps problem.
I have tested 'longitude/latitude' with little maps (15-20km), where you can suppose a 'flat earth'. But you are testing a very big map (I am talking about km, not pixels size, where you can not use a flat earth representation).
I need to study what is 'longitude/latitude' for Ozi.
Could you send me this map? --->oruxuro@gmail.com
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
Same problem with Latitude/Longitude projection (on latest official version of OruxMaps + Desktop). I have errors of about 100-200 meters, and almost no errors on top left corner.
Here's my MAP file :
And the resulting XML :
Here's my MAP file :
- Code:
OziExplorer Map Data File Version 2.1
\MY MAP.png
1, Map Code,
WGS 84,WGS 84, 0.0000, 0.0000,WGS 84
Reserved 1
Reserved 2
Magnetic Variation,,,E
Map Projection,Latitude/Longitude,PolyCal,No,AutoCalOnly,No,BSBUseWPX,Yes
Point01,xy, 0, 0,in, deg, 46, 17.25780006,N, 6, 6.09129662,E, grid, , , ,N
Point02,xy, 4000, 0,in, deg, 46, 16.99491856,N, 6, 13.86838751,E, grid, , , ,N
Point03,xy, 4000, 4000,in, deg, 46, 11.60334163,N, 6, 13.48344599,E, grid, , , ,N
Point04,xy, 0, 4000,in, deg, 46, 11.86579054,N, 6, 5.71912900,E, grid, , , ,N
Point05,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point06,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point07,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point08,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point09,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point10,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point11,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point12,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point13,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point14,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point15,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point16,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point17,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point18,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point19,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point20,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point21,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point22,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point23,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point24,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point25,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point26,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point27,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point28,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point29,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Point30,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,E, grid, , , ,N
Projection Setup, 45.000000000, 5.000000000, 0.999600000, 0.00, 0.00, 49.000000000, 45.000000000,,,
Map Feature = MF ; Map Comment = MC These follow if they exist
Track File = TF These follow if they exist
Moving Map Parameters = MM? These follow if they exist
MMPXY,2, 4000,0
MMPXY,3, 4000, 4000
MMPXY,4,0, 4000
MMPLL,1, 6.10152161, 46.28763000
MMPLL,2, 6.23113979, 46.28324864
MMPLL,3, 6.22472410, 46.19338903
MMPLL,4, 6.09531882, 46.19776318
MOP,Map Open Position,1500,1700
IWH,Map Image Width/Height, 4000, 4000
And the resulting XML :
- Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OruxTracker xmlns="http://oruxtracker.com/app/res/calibration"
<MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="16">
<MapName><![CDATA[FERNEY-VOLTAIRE -UN de Lutin France 2004- Topo 1 25000]]></MapName>
<MapChunks xMax="8" yMax="8" datum="WGS 1984:Global Definition@WGS 1984:Global Definition" projection="Latitude/Longitude" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="FERNEY-VOLTAIRE -UN de Lutin France 2004- Topo 1 25000" />
<MapDimensions height="4000" width="4000" />
<MapBounds minLat="46.19338903" maxLat="46.287629999999986" minLon="6.09531882" maxLon="6.231139789999999" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="6.101521609999999" lat="46.287629999999986" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="6.2247240999999995" lat="46.19338903" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="6.231139789999999" lat="46.28324864" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="6.09531882" lat="46.19776318000001" />
TC- Guest
Re: Bug with Latitude/Longitude projection
Hi, TC;
with Ozi 2.1 maps, seems that longitude/latitude maps are not longitude/latitude maps; are really Transverse Mercator maps, with those parameters:
Projection Setup, 45.000000000, 5.000000000, 0.999600000, 0.00, 0.00, 49.000000000, 45.000000000,,,
latitude origin, longitude origin, factor, false_east,false_north
please, try with this projection/parameters.
with Ozi 2.1 maps, seems that longitude/latitude maps are not longitude/latitude maps; are really Transverse Mercator maps, with those parameters:
Projection Setup, 45.000000000, 5.000000000, 0.999600000, 0.00, 0.00, 49.000000000, 45.000000000,,,
latitude origin, longitude origin, factor, false_east,false_north
please, try with this projection/parameters.
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
Sorry Orux, but what should I change in the file ?
should I replace :
by :
projection="Transverse Mercator"
or is it somethig else to do ?
should I replace :
by :
projection="Transverse Mercator"
or is it somethig else to do ?
TC- Guest
Re: Bug with Latitude/Longitude projection
TC wrote:Sorry Orux, but what should I change in the file ?
should I replace :
by :
projection="Transverse Mercator"
or is it somethig else to do ?
Hi, TC;
Best way:
1.-make a backup of your original .map files.
2.-put your wrong maps (.map + image files) into a folder.
3.-With OruxMApsDesktop (last tab utility) replace:
Latitude/Longitude by Transverse Mercator
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
Re: Bug with Latitude/Longitude projection
TC wrote:Work just fine... thanks ! I just made a PayPal donation ....
Thanks, TC;
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
altitude problem
I have tried som projections (lat/long, transverse mercator, UTM) by creation .map file (ozi expolorer 3.95.5k) and in OruxmapsDesktop as well and ever the same result:
in mobile the latitude coordinates are correct only at the top and they increase in direction to the bottom of the map (they should decrease)
it means the bottom left lattitude is 49,70 instead of 49,17 !
this means lattitude is completly wrong and unusable
please help
thank you
here is the inhalt of the xml file generated with OruxmapsDesktop:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <OruxTracker xmlns:orux=" versionCode="3.0">
- <MapCalibration layers="true" layerLevel="0">
- <MapName>
- <![CDATA[ 112_zapadne_tatry_rohace
- <OruxTracker versionCode="2.1">
- <MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="15">
- <MapName>
- <![CDATA[ 112_zapadne_tatry_rohace 15
<MapChunks xMax="9" yMax="12" datum="WGS 1984:Global Definition@WGS 1984:Global Definition" projection="UTM,27" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="112_zapadne_tatry_rohace 15" />
<MapDimensions height="6004" width="4520" />
<MapBounds minLat="49.01704955511431" maxLat="49.360456110537946" minLon="-19.595303313516396" maxLon="-19.988310160101427" />
- <CalibrationPoints>
<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="-19.593342999999578" lat="49.360277999998196" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="-19.988310160101427" lat="49.01720429563966" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="-19.989078426058846" lat="49.360456110537946" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="-19.595303313516396" lat="49.01704955511431" />
I have tried som projections (lat/long, transverse mercator, UTM) by creation .map file (ozi expolorer 3.95.5k) and in OruxmapsDesktop as well and ever the same result:
in mobile the latitude coordinates are correct only at the top and they increase in direction to the bottom of the map (they should decrease)
it means the bottom left lattitude is 49,70 instead of 49,17 !
this means lattitude is completly wrong and unusable
please help
thank you
here is the inhalt of the xml file generated with OruxmapsDesktop:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <OruxTracker xmlns:orux=" versionCode="3.0">
- <MapCalibration layers="true" layerLevel="0">
- <MapName>
- <![CDATA[ 112_zapadne_tatry_rohace
- <OruxTracker versionCode="2.1">
- <MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="15">
- <MapName>
- <![CDATA[ 112_zapadne_tatry_rohace 15
<MapChunks xMax="9" yMax="12" datum="WGS 1984:Global Definition@WGS 1984:Global Definition" projection="UTM,27" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="112_zapadne_tatry_rohace 15" />
<MapDimensions height="6004" width="4520" />
<MapBounds minLat="49.01704955511431" maxLat="49.360456110537946" minLon="-19.595303313516396" maxLon="-19.988310160101427" />
- <CalibrationPoints>
<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="-19.593342999999578" lat="49.360277999998196" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="-19.988310160101427" lat="49.01720429563966" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="-19.989078426058846" lat="49.360456110537946" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="-19.595303313516396" lat="49.01704955511431" />
bom- Guest
Re: Bug with Latitude/Longitude projection
bom wrote:Hi.
I have tried som projections (lat/long, transverse mercator, UTM) by creation .map file (ozi expolorer 3.95.5k) and in OruxmapsDesktop as well and ever the same result:
Hi, bom;
please, post the .map file.
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
lattitude problem... .map
here is the .map belonging to sent .xml
OziExplorer Map Data File Version 2.2
C:\Documents and Settings\Bohus\Desktop\mapy\112_Zapadne_Tatry_Rohace.jpg
1 ,Map Code,
WGS 84,WGS 84, 0.0000, 0.0000,WGS 84
Reserved 1
Reserved 2
Magnetic Variation,,,E
Map Projection,(UTM) Universal Transverse Mercator,PolyCal,No,AutoCalOnly,No,BSBUseWPX,No
Point01,xy, 75, 179,in, deg, 49, 21.0000,N, 19, 36.0000,W, grid, , , ,N
Point02,xy, 4454, 184,in, deg, 49, 21.0000,N, 19, 59.0000,W, grid, , , ,N
Point03,xy, 4461, 5720,in, deg, 49, 2.0000,N, 19, 59.0000,W, grid, , , ,N
Point04,xy, 247, 5720,in, deg, 49, 2.0000,N, 19, 37.0000,W, grid, , , ,N
Point05,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point06,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point07,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point08,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point09,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point10,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point11,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point12,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point13,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point14,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point15,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point16,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point17,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point18,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point19,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point20,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point21,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point22,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point23,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point24,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point25,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point26,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point27,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point28,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point29,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point30,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Projection Setup, 0.000000000, 6.000000000, 1.000000000, 2500000.00, 0.00,,,,,
Map Feature = MF ; Map Comment = MC These follow if they exist
Track File = TF These follow if they exist
Moving Map Parameters = MM? These follow if they exist
MMPLL,1, -19.593343, 49.360278
MMPLL,2, -19.989166, 49.360456
MMPLL,3, -19.988397, 49.017147
MMPLL,4, -19.595303, 49.016992
MOP,Map Open Position,0,0
IWH,Map Image Width/Height,4520,6004
here is the .map belonging to sent .xml
OziExplorer Map Data File Version 2.2
C:\Documents and Settings\Bohus\Desktop\mapy\112_Zapadne_Tatry_Rohace.jpg
1 ,Map Code,
WGS 84,WGS 84, 0.0000, 0.0000,WGS 84
Reserved 1
Reserved 2
Magnetic Variation,,,E
Map Projection,(UTM) Universal Transverse Mercator,PolyCal,No,AutoCalOnly,No,BSBUseWPX,No
Point01,xy, 75, 179,in, deg, 49, 21.0000,N, 19, 36.0000,W, grid, , , ,N
Point02,xy, 4454, 184,in, deg, 49, 21.0000,N, 19, 59.0000,W, grid, , , ,N
Point03,xy, 4461, 5720,in, deg, 49, 2.0000,N, 19, 59.0000,W, grid, , , ,N
Point04,xy, 247, 5720,in, deg, 49, 2.0000,N, 19, 37.0000,W, grid, , , ,N
Point05,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point06,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point07,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point08,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point09,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point10,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point11,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point12,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point13,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point14,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point15,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point16,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point17,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point18,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point19,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point20,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point21,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point22,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point23,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point24,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point25,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point26,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point27,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point28,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point29,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Point30,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Projection Setup, 0.000000000, 6.000000000, 1.000000000, 2500000.00, 0.00,,,,,
Map Feature = MF ; Map Comment = MC These follow if they exist
Track File = TF These follow if they exist
Moving Map Parameters = MM? These follow if they exist
MMPLL,1, -19.593343, 49.360278
MMPLL,2, -19.989166, 49.360456
MMPLL,3, -19.988397, 49.017147
MMPLL,4, -19.595303, 49.016992
MOP,Map Open Position,0,0
IWH,Map Image Width/Height,4520,6004
bom- Guest
Re: Bug with Latitude/Longitude projection
bom wrote:hi,
here is the .map belonging to sent .xml
Hi, bom;
Perhaps bottom set of coordinates are wrong: (OruxMapsDesktop reads this set of coordinates if they are the four corner coordinates)
MMPLL,1, -19.593343, 49.360278
MMPLL,2, -19.989166, 49.360456
MMPLL,3, -19.988397, 49.017147
MMPLL,4, -19.595303, 49.016992
Try this: (will force OruxMapsDesktop to take top set of coordinates)
Replace MMPXY,1,0,0 by MMPXY,1,0,100
and try to calibrate again the map. Remember to 'update maps' in main screen of OruxMaps, after replacing the wrong map.
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
wrong lattitude
the result is exact the same
lattitude shown on the bottom of the map is 49,70 instead of 49,169 ... in other words it decreases from the top to the bottom of the map..... even that in the .xml file is it writen correct (I think)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <OruxTracker xmlns:orux=" versionCode="3.0">
- <MapCalibration layers="true" layerLevel="0">
- <MapName>
- <![CDATA[ 112_zapadne_tatry_rohace
- <OruxTracker versionCode="2.1">
- <MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="15">
- <MapName>
- <![CDATA[ 112_zapadne_tatry_rohace 15
<MapChunks xMax="9" yMax="12" datum="WGS 1984:Global Definition@WGS 1984:Global Definition" projection="UTM,27" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="112_zapadne_tatry_rohace 15" />
<MapDimensions height="6004" width="4520" />
<MapBounds minLat="49.01686621246622" maxLat="49.36051941018837" minLon="-19.595402580739965" maxLon="-19.988344834912336" />
- <CalibrationPoints>
<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="-19.593373193858685" lat="49.36022206602464" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="-19.988344834912336" lat="49.01713995505505" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="-19.989044569130705" lat="49.36051941018837" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="-19.595402580739965" lat="49.01686621246622" />
I have checked, that file is new one (updated)
the result is exact the same
lattitude shown on the bottom of the map is 49,70 instead of 49,169 ... in other words it decreases from the top to the bottom of the map..... even that in the .xml file is it writen correct (I think)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <OruxTracker xmlns:orux=" versionCode="3.0">
- <MapCalibration layers="true" layerLevel="0">
- <MapName>
- <![CDATA[ 112_zapadne_tatry_rohace
- <OruxTracker versionCode="2.1">
- <MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="15">
- <MapName>
- <![CDATA[ 112_zapadne_tatry_rohace 15
<MapChunks xMax="9" yMax="12" datum="WGS 1984:Global Definition@WGS 1984:Global Definition" projection="UTM,27" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="112_zapadne_tatry_rohace 15" />
<MapDimensions height="6004" width="4520" />
<MapBounds minLat="49.01686621246622" maxLat="49.36051941018837" minLon="-19.595402580739965" maxLon="-19.988344834912336" />
- <CalibrationPoints>
<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="-19.593373193858685" lat="49.36022206602464" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="-19.988344834912336" lat="49.01713995505505" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="-19.989044569130705" lat="49.36051941018837" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="-19.595402580739965" lat="49.01686621246622" />
I have checked, that file is new one (updated)
bom- Guest
Re: Bug with Latitude/Longitude projection
bom wrote:hi,
the result is exact the same
I have checked, that file is new one (updated)
Are you sure this .map works fine with OziExplorer?
Point01,xy, 75, 179,in, deg, 49, 21.0000,N, 19, 36.0000,W, grid, , , ,N
Point02,xy, 4454, 184,in, deg, 49, 21.0000,N, 19, 59.0000,W, grid, , , ,N
Point02 should be at the right side of Point01, but it has a longitude that is at the left of point01!
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
wrong lattitude
I have personally created this .map file by calibration of my .jpg map with trial version of ozi expolorer 3.95.5k)
but anyway there is no problem with longtitude
do you know what is wrong in .xml file?
these four points (TL,BR,BL,TR) looks like they are correct
do you know some other way how to put calibrated .jpg type maps to oruxmaps?
thank you
I have personally created this .map file by calibration of my .jpg map with trial version of ozi expolorer 3.95.5k)
but anyway there is no problem with longtitude
do you know what is wrong in .xml file?
these four points (TL,BR,BL,TR) looks like they are correct
do you know some other way how to put calibrated .jpg type maps to oruxmaps?
thank you
bom- Guest
Re: Bug with Latitude/Longitude projection
bom wrote:hi
I have personally created this .map file by calibration of my .jpg map with trial version of ozi expolorer 3.95.5k)
but anyway there is no problem with longtitude
do you know what is wrong in .xml file?
these four points (TL,BR,BL,TR) looks like they are correct
do you know some other way how to put calibrated .jpg type maps to oruxmaps?
thank you
Your .map is wrong.
Your .map has coordinates in the middle of the ocean.
If you live in Europe, perhaps the coordinates are East --> 'E', not West --> 'W'.
the xml will work fine if the .map is correct.
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
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