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Sort Order Geocaches, Tracks, Waypoints

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Sort Order Geocaches, Tracks, Waypoints Empty Sort Order Geocaches, Tracks, Waypoints

Post  zmart Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:53 am

Hallo Orux, I´ve found a little bug (or is it a feature?):
If you`ll load a geocache and sort it in another order (e.g. distance) after folder closing the sort order is again in alphabetical order.
The same is with the waypoints order. I`ve not tried the tracks order because I have only one in this time ;-)
It would be nice, if the program could remember the last search order.

By the way, the new interface is nearly perfekt! Oruxmaps is for me the best of the best in navigation. 1000 thanks for the programming work. You are a genie ;-)
Greetings from Germany


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Sort Order Geocaches, Tracks, Waypoints Empty also the same with tracks

Post  zmart Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:12 am

there is the sort-order also not stored, i`ve tested it right now.
... and I also have made a donation right now - thanks again


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Sort Order Geocaches, Tracks, Waypoints Empty Sorting everytime!

Post  Grendel Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:20 am

I second that!
When I manage my tracks, they´re all in the order I´ve created them. I want to have them sorted alfabetacily. But Oruxmaps forgets my requested sorting upon startup.
So I have to sort them everytime I want to search them. And I have a lot!


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-07-07

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Sort Order Geocaches, Tracks, Waypoints Empty Re: Sort Order Geocaches, Tracks, Waypoints

Post  amarok67 Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:53 pm

Hi Orux
This bug is still present, and it really is a pain ...
It would be nice to store the sort order, once and for all.

Many thanks


Cantidad de envíos : 18
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-21

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Sort Order Geocaches, Tracks, Waypoints Empty Re: Sort Order Geocaches, Tracks, Waypoints

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