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Post  beekhuis Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:28 pm

Hi Orux

thanks for your wonderful application! It's definitely one of the best GPS Apps out there! But a few things could be even better... ;-)

Sometimes I just want to view maps and would like to hide the cursor in the middle. I know it is possible to choose "Cursor>None" but its way too complicated to always go to the menu and make the selection. Would it be possible to have an option that only shows the (custom) cursor in "GPS-ON" and "Create Route/Waypoint"-Mode?

The true benefit of the app is the combination of high quality maps paired with gps. Since many sources are gone (What I understand in a way...) the benefit is gone as well. I can't use the app in France, Switzerland, Germany... for example. Other apps (Outdoor Atlas, Viewranger) offer these maps for purchase. I hope OruxMaps will have that option some day...

Best regards


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-08-09

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