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Following a route in drive direction ?

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Following a route in drive direction ? Empty Following a route in drive direction ?

Post  ChefKev Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:23 pm

Hi !
First of all i wanna say that this app is really good. I like it because of the big choice of different maps and the offline map creation funktion. So good work so far to the devs and im sure you will be able to make this app even much better in the future. Keep up the good work !

Now to my problem. I would like to load a track as a route and follow it in the direktion i am moving towards (like most of the car sat navs do). Does anybody know how this works ?

I already tried: Settings/Display/Dashboard/Display/Geocaching-Routing Mode/Adjustment at goal (Something like that, i translated it from german to english). But this didnt change anything.

Cant wait to receive an answer from you guys. Thanks ! cat


Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-18

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Following a route in drive direction ? Empty Re: Following a route in drive direction ?

Post  orux Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:11 pm

ChefKev wrote:Hi !
First of all i wanna say that this app is really good. I like it because of the big choice of different maps and the offline map creation funktion. So good work so far to the devs and im sure you will be able to make this app even much better in the future. Keep up the good work !

Now to my problem. I would like to load a track as a route and follow it in the direktion i am moving towards (like most of the car sat navs do). Does anybody know how this works ?

I already tried: Settings/Display/Dashboard/Display/Geocaching-Routing Mode/Adjustment at goal (Something like that, i translated it from german to english). But this didnt change anything.

Cant wait to receive an answer from you guys. Thanks ! cat

Hi, thanks;

OruxMaps is for outdoor activities, where there are no indications.

Why do you do not use google navigation application for that purpose?


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Following a route in drive direction ? Empty Re: Following a route in drive direction ?

Post  daaho Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:35 pm

ChefKev wrote:Hi !

Now to my problem. I would like to load a track as a route and follow it in the direktion i am moving towards (like most of the car sat navs do). Does anybody know how this works ?

I already tried: Settings/Display/Dashboard/Display/Geocaching-Routing Mode/Adjustment at goal (Something like that, i translated it from german to english). But this didnt change anything.

Cant wait to receive an answer from you guys. Thanks ! cat

Hi ChefKey,

take a look in the German Handbook in chapter 8.3.3 and choose "Karten Modus nach oben"

Then load a track as a route and then the map is always displayed in your moving direction

bye, daaho


Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-01-06

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Following a route in drive direction ? Empty Re: Following a route in drive direction ?

Post  ChefKev Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:51 pm


I forgot to mention, that im using this app for Mountainbiking. I use the google navigation when im on the road.


Vielen Dank ! I just changed the settings. Gonna try it out tomorrow. But i have a good feeling that this is right :-) Thx



Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-18

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