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Route alarm (route file) AND waypoint alarm (created wps) together?

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Route alarm (route file) AND waypoint alarm (created wps) together? Empty Route alarm (route file) AND waypoint alarm (created wps) together?

Post  BikeRider Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:17 pm


I love OruxMaps, even more since I got waypoint alarm via voice messaging to work cheers . Now I load gpx tracks, go through them and place waypoints at every significant turning point with OruxMaps on the phone.

But now I miss one option Sad :

When I load a gpx-route with no waypoints and I want to navigate via waypoint alarm with voice messaging, there is no way to use the route with route alarm together with the new placed waypoints with waypoint alarm Sad.

Is there any way to use these two features together? Maybe by fusion of route and waypoints?


Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-12-30

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Route alarm (route file) AND waypoint alarm (created wps) together? Empty Re: Route alarm (route file) AND waypoint alarm (created wps) together?

Post  orux Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:57 pm

BikeRider wrote:Hi,

I love OruxMaps, even more since I got waypoint alarm via voice messaging to work cheers . Now I load gpx tracks, go through them and place waypoints at every significant turning point with OruxMaps on the phone.

But now I miss one option Sad :

When I load a gpx-route with no waypoints and I want to navigate via waypoint alarm with voice messaging, there is no way to use the route with route alarm together with the new placed waypoints with waypoint alarm Sad.

Is there any way to use these two features together? Maybe by fusion of route and waypoints?


Yes; you can:

Load the track first, then the wpts (not as a route, using the first-left button), should work, because wpts are added to the route.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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