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Create waypoints with custom alarm sounds

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Create waypoints with custom alarm sounds Empty Create waypoints with custom alarm sounds

Post  OruxFan Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:50 am

Hello Jose,

first of all thank you very much for this awsome software. Its definitely my No. 1 GPS software on Android.

I generally generate offline maps and use them for navigation. For this i create a track file. On the track i put waypoints at positions where the direction is not clear, i.e. at branching of roads or intersections where i have to turn. Then i use the Waypoint alarm and connect an alarm sound. The sound was created via a TTS tool. When i reach the waypoint it now says something like "you reached a waypoint" and i know that i need to be carefull with the direction.

This method works quite well. However, i am thinking it would be much better if i could attach a custom sound to each waypoint. This way i could create sound files like "keep left", "keep right", "turn left", "turn right", .... and the navigation would be similar to a real navigation system. The sound files could be also offered to the user in form of a bullet list when the waypoint is created.

The alarm sound management would benefit from the possibility to load not only system sounds as they have to be in special directories. I would prefer to store these files in a subfolder of Oruxmaps.

Oh my god so many wishes Smile

Greets from Taiwan



Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-28

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Create waypoints with custom alarm sounds Empty Re: Create waypoints with custom alarm sounds

Post  atzi Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:21 pm

I also suggested something similar a few months back, here.


Cantidad de envíos : 6
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-06-14

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Create waypoints with custom alarm sounds Empty Re: Create waypoints with custom alarm sounds

Post  orux Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:31 pm

OruxFan wrote:Hello Jose,

first of all thank you very much for this awsome software. Its definitely my No. 1 GPS software on Android.

I generally generate offline maps and use them for navigation. For this i create a track file. On the track i put waypoints at positions where the direction is not clear, i.e. at branching of roads or intersections where i have to turn. Then i use the Waypoint alarm and connect an alarm sound. The sound was created via a TTS tool. When i reach the waypoint it now says something like "you reached a waypoint" and i know that i need to be carefull with the direction.

This method works quite well. However, i am thinking it would be much better if i could attach a custom sound to each waypoint. This way i could create sound files like "keep left", "keep right", "turn left", "turn right", .... and the navigation would be similar to a real navigation system. The sound files could be also offered to the user in form of a bullet list when the waypoint is created.

The alarm sound management would benefit from the possibility to load not only system sounds as they have to be in special directories. I would prefer to store these files in a subfolder of Oruxmaps.

Oh my god so many wishes Smile

Greets from Taiwan




If you append sounds like extensions to the wpt (using the recorder, for example) you will hear this sound instead of the selected ring tone.

But atzi is right; I have to improve this feature, and allow text to speech with wpts.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Create waypoints with custom alarm sounds Empty Re: Create waypoints with custom alarm sounds

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