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Offline browsing MAP file.

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Offline browsing MAP file. Empty Offline browsing MAP file.

Post  Harribo Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:37 am


I have converted a osm.pbf map file of Holland to a .map file with Osmosis and Mapfilewriter plugin (lasted 8,5 hours).
Then I put the map file (+-360Mb) in the directory 'mapfiles' on my sd card in my smartphone (samsung galaxy).
I started Oruxmaps 4.2.0 version and did choose for offline browsing and selected the file netherlands.map. Waited a while and yes, it worked!

Ok, then I saw here a newer version of Oruxmaps, version 4.4.1 and I did uninstall version 4.2.0 and installed version 4.4.1
Now I didnt work no more: I see a white tile and when I zoom in it just changes in percent, I dont see changing the zoom level. The zoom level stays 0.
So I assume Oruxmaps cannot read my netherlands.map file no more? I tried and tried several things like uninstalling and deleting the Oruxmaps on my sd card but no succes no more.

Can someone help me? I dont know what to do now.


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-28

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Offline browsing MAP file. Empty Re: Offline browsing MAP file.

Post  orux Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:16 pm

Harribo wrote:Hi

I have converted a osm.pbf map file of Holland to a .map file with Osmosis and Mapfilewriter plugin (lasted 8,5 hours).
Then I put the map file (+-360Mb) in the directory 'mapfiles' on my sd card in my smartphone (samsung galaxy).
I started Oruxmaps 4.2.0 version and did choose for offline browsing and selected the file netherlands.map. Waited a while and yes, it worked!

Ok, then I saw here a newer version of Oruxmaps, version 4.4.1 and I did uninstall version 4.2.0 and installed version 4.4.1
Now I didnt work no more: I see a white tile and when I zoom in it just changes in percent, I dont see changing the zoom level. The zoom level stays 0.
So I assume Oruxmaps cannot read my netherlands.map file no more? I tried and tried several things like uninstalling and deleting the Oruxmaps on my sd card but no succes no more.

Can someone help me? I dont know what to do now.


All .map are working fine in 4.4.1 version;

1.-create a folder inside /mapfiles/ folder, then move the .map to this folder.
2.-download and test one .map from -->ftp://ftp.mapsforge.org/


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Offline browsing MAP file. Empty solved

Post  Harribo Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:51 pm

I got it working. I think the problem was that the Gps was not started. Maybe I accidentaly turned it off?
And I start to walk outside.
Thanks for your reply.


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-28

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Offline browsing MAP file. Empty Re: Offline browsing MAP file.

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