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Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps?

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Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps? Empty Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps?

Post  marc035 Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:25 pm


I have a huge amount of .jpg/.png + .map files, can I convert them to oruxmaps?

I have used a script to convert them to ecw for ttmaps, and it takes more than a day on a quad core cpu ..

France alone is 5800 tiles jpg+map files ....

I use gdal.org + ecw sources for it.



Cantidad de envíos : 8
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-11-25

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Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps? Empty Re: Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps?

Post  orux Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:19 pm

marc035 wrote:Hello,

I have a huge amount of .jpg/.png + .map files, can I convert them to oruxmaps?

I have used a script to convert them to ecw for ttmaps, and it takes more than a day on a quad core cpu ..

France alone is 5800 tiles jpg+map files ....

I use gdal.org + ecw sources for it.



You can use OruxMapsDesktop to convert jpg + .map maps;

Go to web site (manuals)-->http://www.oruxmaps.com


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps? Empty Re: Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps?

Post  marc035 Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:49 pm

orux wrote:


You can use OruxMapsDesktop to convert jpg + .map maps;


OK, that's fine, I see that ODK nicely accepts the map files on older 1/50000 maps from IGN.

I also have a cache from a gdal - wms I ran over the Belgian server for the 1/5000 maps.
Those contain .xml descriptions of the jpgs saved... Would that be accepted by Oruxdesktop, which other formats would be accepted?

The nice thing of this cache is I can reuse it to make the topo maps in another format (goetiff, ecw, 2000x2000, jpg, ..) without the need of the server, which is down now ...

Thanks, great!


Cantidad de envíos : 8
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-11-25

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Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps? Empty Re: Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps?

Post  orux Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:55 pm

marc035 wrote:
orux wrote:


You can use OruxMapsDesktop to convert jpg + .map maps;


OK, that's fine, I see that ODK nicely accepts the map files on older 1/50000 maps from IGN.

I also have a cache from a gdal - wms I ran over the Belgian server for the 1/5000 maps.
Those contain .xml descriptions of the jpgs saved... Would that be accepted by Oruxdesktop, which other formats would be accepted?

The nice thing of this cache is I can reuse it to make the topo maps in another format (goetiff, ecw, 2000x2000, jpg, ..) without the need of the server, which is down now ...

Thanks, great!

Hi, Marc;

The simplest format, if you know the datum/projection, is the format .tfw .jgw, or .pgw.

Geotiff also, if you install the ImageIO tools.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps? Empty Re: Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps?

Post  marc035 Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:16 pm

Whether I put the files in /sdcard/ruxmaps/mapfiles or in ../maps, nothing happens.

eg a set of maps is:
19-20 Roeselare.otrk2.xml OruxMapsImages.db

I don't see the gps start up either ...

I can select mapfiles or maps in the app, it only sees the standard world map...
(I'm always OFFLINE with this phone ..)



Cantidad de envíos : 8
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-11-25

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Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps? Empty Re: Convert (.jpg/.png + .map) files to oruxmaps?

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