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Choosing download transfer rate for map creator

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Choosing download transfer rate for map creator Empty Choosing download transfer rate for map creator

Post  febs Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:54 pm

This is a feature that MOBAC is missing, too, and it would be AWESOME on orux.

That is, being able to limit the download rate. That way, the servers would be less overloaded, and I could probably download more - though in a longer time, but I don't care. With MOBAC and with orux so far, as far as I can get it the tools try to download just as fast as possible as with any TCP connection. But, after reaching some limits, most servers slow the connection down almost to a break.

For sure behaving more politely (transfer-bandwidth speaking) would be more appreciated either by servers and by their administrators. Smile

Thanks and keep up the awesome job!


Cantidad de envíos : 139
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-06

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Choosing download transfer rate for map creator Empty Re: Choosing download transfer rate for map creator

Post  orux Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:36 pm

febs wrote:This is a feature that MOBAC is missing, too, and it would be AWESOME on orux.

That is, being able to limit the download rate. That way, the servers would be less overloaded, and I could probably download more - though in a longer time, but I don't care. With MOBAC and with orux so far, as far as I can get it the tools try to download just as fast as possible as with any TCP connection. But, after reaching some limits, most servers slow the connection down almost to a break.

For sure behaving more politely (transfer-bandwidth speaking) would be more appreciated either by servers and by their administrators. Smile

Thanks and keep up the awesome job!


I always recommend using MOBAC for large maps, is a comprehensive tool for that function.

OruxMaps is a tool of 'emergency' and should not be used for large maps. In fact it is limited to <256mb maps Smile

But you are right, it will be interesting to add that feature.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Choosing download transfer rate for map creator Empty Re: Choosing download transfer rate for map creator

Post  febs Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:08 pm

As far as I understood it, the limitation of 256MB is just for not overloading the servers, but perhaps I got it wrong then!

MOBAC *is* indeed a nice tool, but when I planned my last bike trip (I linked it in another thread about a bad behaviour, this is the trip): http://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?trip_id=1371861 (uploaded with orux of course).

Eh, when planning the trip I downloaded the GPX file with firefox for android, I opened the file in Oruxmaps, I used it as a reference to download the map, and we were READY.
No need to open the computer, open MOBAC, repeat the same steps, plug the USB cable, transfer files.
You got it. Open GPX, download surroundings, ready to go.
That's what about it, isn't it?

The only issue is that sometimes I would REALLY love to being able to fetch bigger areas.

By the way, I am not a Android developer and neither a Java developer (I dig some Python though), but, is OruxMaps source code available?



Cantidad de envíos : 139
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-06

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