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how to add geocache data to the database

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how to add geocache data to the database Empty how to add geocache data to the database

Post  Mike Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:37 pm


I tried to drop a .loc-File and a .gpx in oruxmaps/geocaches and expected to find the contained coordinates in Orux Maps Map viewer. But nothing happened ?!

Reading the manual I didn't get any answer how to add coordinates from a file?

A waypoint in the .loc-File is coded like this:
<name id="GC21F0Q"><![CDATA[Großheiligenhäuschen Güls by biggi184]]></name>
<coord lat="50.3376" lon="7.548867"/>
<link text="Cache Details">

Any ideas?



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how to add geocache data to the database Empty Re: how to add geocache data to the database

Post  orux Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:21 pm

Mike wrote:Hi,

I tried to drop a .loc-File and a .gpx in oruxmaps/geocaches and expected to find the contained coordinates in Orux Maps Map viewer. But nothing happened ?!

Reading the manual I didn't get any answer how to add coordinates from a file?

A waypoint in the .loc-File is coded like this:
<name id="GC21F0Q"><![CDATA[Großheiligenhäuschen Güls by biggi184]]></name>
<coord lat="50.3376" lon="7.548867"/>
<link text="Cache Details">

Any ideas?


After copy the .loc file in geocaches directory, you have to:

1.-menu (map viewer screen)--geocaches.
2.-menu (geocaches list)--import geocache.
3.-select one cache in the list--load in map.

how to add geocache data to the database Deviced


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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how to add geocache data to the database Empty Re: how to add geocache data to the database

Post  Mike Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:18 am

I found the functions to import the Geocaches under
Map viewer
Menu - Mehr (More)
Menu - Import Caches

Now I'am happy with the tool although I have a lot more requirements / ideas !

I'll describe them in the dedicated category.


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how to add geocache data to the database Empty don't get it

Post  gorek Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:51 pm

I store a .loc file of geocaches in the correct directory. But i dont find the function to import the geocaches.
Where do i import them? I really don't understand the instruction above. (My version is german and i also don't find the menu to change the language)

In the view with the map and my location, i press the menu button.
Then i have the following choices: Tracks, Maps, Waypoints, Settings, Display, Extra

Please help me with some screenies.


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how to add geocache data to the database Empty Re: how to add geocache data to the database

Post  orux Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:48 am

gorek wrote:Grr.....
I store a .loc file of geocaches in the correct directory. But i dont find the function to import the geocaches.
Where do i import them? I really don't understand the instruction above. (My version is german and i also don't find the menu to change the language)

In the view with the map and my location, i press the menu button.
Then i have the following choices: Tracks, Maps, Waypoints, Settings, Display, Extra

Please help me with some screenies.

Hi, it is easy:

2.-when in caches list: menu--import caches.



Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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how to add geocache data to the database Empty Re: how to add geocache data to the database

Post  gorek Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:48 am

Alright, now i found the function, thanks!


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how to add geocache data to the database Empty Integration with geocaching.com

Post  febs Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:56 pm

Hello again,

among other things, I had my first experiments with Geocaching.

It is fun!

I would really love to have Orux to be more integrated with the online cache. So far, if I use C:GEO (a tool for cachers) and I choose to navigate a cache, it offers me a series of choices among whose there's Oruxmaps.

Once that resulted in having Oruxmaps launched and with the arrow on the coordinates on the cache. I had to manually add a waypoint there. In another test it just opened Oruxmaps in a completely different place on the map.

So far my solution is: send the coordinates via email. Open the email, follow the link. Save the .LOC file. Search for it in Orux and import.

Not very practical. Would it be hard to implement integration with geocache.com so to browse a live map of caches, search nearby, and save caches into Orux?



Cantidad de envíos : 139
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-06

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how to add geocache data to the database Empty Re: how to add geocache data to the database

Post  febs Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:47 pm

Also, it would probably be quite easy to register Oruxmap as an app to open .loc files. When I browse for files, .loc ones cannot be opened because in my Droid there is no app bound with them. Being able to "open with Orux" would just come much handy.

Cheers! Smile


Cantidad de envíos : 139
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-06

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how to add geocache data to the database Empty Re: how to add geocache data to the database

Post  orux Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:50 pm

febs wrote:Also, it would probably be quite easy to register Oruxmap as an app to open .loc files. When I browse for files, .loc ones cannot be opened because in my Droid there is no app bound with them. Being able to "open with Orux" would just come much handy.

Cheers! Smile


I see geocaching.com already has a public API. I'll give it a look.

I am going to add .loc files to OruxMaps intent filter.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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how to add geocache data to the database Empty Re: how to add geocache data to the database

Post  febs Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:27 am



Cantidad de envíos : 139
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-06

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how to add geocache data to the database Empty Name search (like Oziexplorer)

Post  nanu Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:17 am

hi orux,
how it looks with Name search (like Oziexplorer) see posting Name Search is it possibile to integrate/ combine this function with geocache features ?


Cantidad de envíos : 33
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-01-21

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how to add geocache data to the database Empty Re: how to add geocache data to the database

Post  orux Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:47 pm

nanu wrote:hi orux,
how it looks with Name search (like Oziexplorer) see posting Name Search is it possibile to integrate/ combine this function with geocache features ?

Hi, nanu,

you can search by name/description in the wpt list (menu--search). All the geocaches are wpts too.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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