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Again about geocaching

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Again about geocaching Empty Again about geocaching

Post  febs Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:08 am

There is a ongoing thread where geocaching is mentioned but I wanted to put some emphasis on the topic.

I discovered geocaching very recently and I realized how huge this phenomena is. It IS by the way an amazing activity, and, it has plenty of followers.
The geocaching official forum is VERY active with thousands of users. Despite that, Oruxmaps there is talked a very little if any. This is a pity, with its wonderful features, among those being able to build and use offline maps.

Do you Orux geocache? I'd guess not. Smile Elsewhere oruxmaps would be much more geocaching-tailored. Well, this post is to encourage you to consider investing many efforts (more! I know you worked about it, and effectively, in the beta) towards geocaching. Like, allowing people to look for caches around, log visits, and the like.


Well, this could BOOST oruxmaps popularity to a next level. Its user base would multiply if you consider to make it a full-featured geocaching client.

That's it. Cheers!


Cantidad de envíos : 139
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-06

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Again about geocaching Empty Re: Again about geocaching

Post  orux Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:32 pm

febs wrote:There is a ongoing thread where geocaching is mentioned but I wanted to put some emphasis on the topic.

I discovered geocaching very recently and I realized how huge this phenomena is. It IS by the way an amazing activity, and, it has plenty of followers.
The geocaching official forum is VERY active with thousands of users. Despite that, Oruxmaps there is talked a very little if any. This is a pity, with its wonderful features, among those being able to build and use offline maps.

Do you Orux geocache? I'd guess not. Smile Elsewhere oruxmaps would be much more geocaching-tailored. Well, this post is to encourage you to consider investing many efforts (more! I know you worked about it, and effectively, in the beta) towards geocaching. Like, allowing people to look for caches around, log visits, and the like.


Well, this could BOOST oruxmaps popularity to a next level. Its user base would multiply if you consider to make it a full-featured geocaching client.

That's it. Cheers!

Hi, febs;

Thanks for the tips.

It is true that I worked at first with geocaching capabilities, but since then I have not spent much time in it.

I'll try in the following iterations.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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