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Post  gmmikele Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:27 pm

Hi, there.

I have submited this question as a part of other post but no reply at all has been received.
I'll put this specific question (suggestion) here to see if any response.

I miss (and probably every pilot does) using the long press on the map, that should offer option "Go To" or Direct To" this point where pressed.
With different words, when selecting certain point on the map would be convenient to get route, drawn from current location and distance&heading to that point.

So just opposite from current idea. Instead of moving the triangle over the desired point the track should appear From Triangle (current position) to the desired "Waypoint".




Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-12-14

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Post  orux Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:06 pm

gmmikele wrote:Hi, there.

I have submited this question as a part of other post but no reply at all has been received.
I'll put this specific question (suggestion) here to see if any response.

I miss (and probably every pilot does) using the long press on the map, that should offer option "Go To" or Direct To" this point where pressed.
With different words, when selecting certain point on the map would be convenient to get route, drawn from current location and distance&heading to that point.

So just opposite from current idea. Instead of moving the triangle over the desired point the track should appear From Triangle (current position) to the desired "Waypoint".



Hi, Mike;

if you create a wpt using long press, you can enable then 'navigate to' option after.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Post  gmmikele Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:00 am

Dear Orux,

correct, it is an option but:

1st: I have to create waypoint but normally I will not need this waypoint any more in the future so no point of storing it...
2nd: I have to create waypoint, than enter in Manage Menu, find correct Waypoint and than select "Navigate To"...

So imagine "action" when:
1.) You are informed about landing spot,
2.) You quickly find it on map and You just make a long press and select "navigate to".

(So actually would skip process of creating a Waypoint, than enetering Manage menu, than searching correct waypoint and than selecting it and selecting navigate to)



Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-12-14

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