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Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory

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Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory Empty Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory

Post  ichuchaw Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:00 am


I have a samsung infuse on froyo build ucke3. I am running oruxmaps 4.0.1. When first starting the app, I was prompted to create the three directories to store the maps and other data. After confirming the dialog, I went to the settings and changed where I want the mapfiles. On the infuse, the external sd card is on /mnt/sdcard/external_sd. So, I set the path to /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/oruxmaps/mapfiles. I then closed oruxmaps, and deleted the oruxmaps directory under /mnt/sdcard. When I start oruxmaps again, it again prompts me to create the three directories under /mnt/sdcard. I verified that the maps directory is still set to /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/oruxmaps/mapfiles.

I then started online maps, and saw that the db file grows in size in /mnt/sdcard/....., but nothing is created in /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/..... I also tried copying the oruxmaps directory from /mnt/sdcard to /mnt/sdcard/external_sd, but it still continues to use only the files in /mnt/sdcard.

Am I doing something wrong here?


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-07-30

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Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory Empty Re: Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory

Post  orux Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:09 pm

ichuchaw wrote:Hi,

I have a samsung infuse on froyo build ucke3. I am running oruxmaps 4.0.1. When first starting the app, I was prompted to create the three directories to store the maps and other data. After confirming the dialog, I went to the settings and changed where I want the mapfiles. On the infuse, the external sd card is on /mnt/sdcard/external_sd. So, I set the path to /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/oruxmaps/mapfiles. I then closed oruxmaps, and deleted the oruxmaps directory under /mnt/sdcard. When I start oruxmaps again, it again prompts me to create the three directories under /mnt/sdcard. I verified that the maps directory is still set to /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/oruxmaps/mapfiles.

I then started online maps, and saw that the db file grows in size in /mnt/sdcard/....., but nothing is created in /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/..... I also tried copying the oruxmaps directory from /mnt/sdcard to /mnt/sdcard/external_sd, but it still continues to use only the files in /mnt/sdcard.

Am I doing something wrong here?


maps cache database, tracks database, and configuration files (onlinemapsources, wms,...) must be in oruxmaps/mapfiles/ directory, created by OruxMaps. You only can move your offline maps tho the new directory.

but I am going to change this in next versions,


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory Empty Re: Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory

Post  apolas Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:55 am

Well, I have the same issue as ichuchaw, but with tracks and waypoints. On my previous phone (Samsung Galaxy S) I had my maps, tracks, waypoints and cursors saved on external SD card with path "mnt/sdcard/external_sd/oruxmaps/mapfiles" or "tracklogs" accordingly. It worked fine. After each phone reset I just changed paths in settings of oruxmaps and deleted newly created "mnt/sdcard/oruxmaps" directory. This way I did not needed to backup my data for orux everytime I needed to reset my phone, because those were saved on external card, which is untouched by reset.

Now I changed my phone to Samsung Galaxy S II, installed oruxmaps, changed paths in settings, but from my old data on external SD card I can see only offline maps. I don't see any tracks or waypoints. In the settings I have this path to tracks: "/mnt/sdcard/external_sd/oruxmaps/tracklogs/" ... but newly created tracks are saved to "/mnt/sdcard/oruxmaps/tracklogs/". Same for waypoints as I can see. If I tried to move files from internal SD to external SD, program created new folders on internal SD right after start, but paths in settings still points to external card.

I am pretty sure it worked fine in the older versions on my previous phone. Something must be wrong now with new version.

Can you please check it?



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Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory Empty Re: Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory

Post  apolas Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:17 am

Add to my previous post:

I just found that databases for tracks, maps, etc. are stored in directories on internal SD (as orux said in his reply) and exported files, for example .kml and .gpx track files, are stored to the directory set in the settings.

As I wrote, I am sure that exported files, but also database files were saved in the directory according to settings in the previous versions of orux maps. Hope it would be changed soon, as I don't want to lost my data by mistake (forgotten backup).

Thank you in advance Smile



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Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory Empty Re: Bug? Cannot direct mapfiles to arbitrary directory

Post  orux Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:34 pm

apolas wrote:Add to my previous post:

I just found that databases for tracks, maps, etc. are stored in directories on internal SD (as orux said in his reply) and exported files, for example .kml and .gpx track files, are stored to the directory set in the settings.

As I wrote, I am sure that exported files, but also database files were saved in the directory according to settings in the previous versions of orux maps. Hope it would be changed soon, as I don't want to lost my data by mistake (forgotten backup).

Thank you in advance Smile



There was confusion in older versions, because you had to copy the .xml and databases if you changed the maps/tracks directory.

Now it is fixed, but in next version will be possible to move the main oruxmaps/ directory.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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