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Determination of parsing coordinates

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Determination of parsing coordinates Empty Determination of parsing coordinates

Post  vr2zxm Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:24 pm

I have scanned a WGS84, UTM (zone 50Q) map, with margins, in JPG format.

I can get the Longitude and Latitude (northing and easting) from the map, but how can I determinate the X,Y coordinate for P1, P2, P3 & P4?

When I read the Manual, the example use P1 = (0,0); P2 = (7072, 11626); P3 = (7072,0) & P4 = (0, 11626). Why using these value (7072 & 11626)? Is it a direct measurement on the map?

In addition, there are marginal information on the map, shall I cut it and remove the marginal information from the JPG format??

Thanks for your kind attention.



Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-28

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Determination of parsing coordinates Empty Re: Determination of parsing coordinates

Post  orux Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:46 pm

vr2zxm wrote:I have scanned a WGS84, UTM (zone 50Q) map, with margins, in JPG format.

I can get the Longitude and Latitude (northing and easting) from the map, but how can I determinate the X,Y coordinate for P1, P2, P3 & P4?

When I read the Manual, the example use P1 = (0,0); P2 = (7072, 11626); P3 = (7072,0) & P4 = (0, 11626). Why using these value (7072 & 11626)? Is it a direct measurement on the map?

In addition, there are marginal information on the map, shall I cut it and remove the marginal information from the JPG format??

Thanks for your kind attention.



P1,P2,... are the coordinates (in pixels) of the points you know the latitude/longitude.

You can see the pixel coordinates of each point using a lot of applications (gimp, photoshop, paint,...)

If you can trim the edges of the map, better; OruxMaps does not know that in that part of the image there is no map.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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