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Heartrate statistics and average statistics

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Heartrate statistics and average statistics Empty Heartrate statistics and average statistics

Post  Nufan Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:13 pm


Thanks for the great App, it's almost perfect, but nevertheless I found some topics that might make it even better ;-)

1. I bought an ANT+ heartrate belt for using it with Oruxmaps on my Xperia Neo while biking. Everything works very well, heartrate is shown during the workout, but when the workout is finished, there is no option to view the average and maximum HR in the statistics section. Only HR variations during the whole workout are visible in form of a graph. The only possibility to see average and maximum HR is to export the workout as a GPX file and import it in Endomondo or Sportstracker. But I think a direct view in Oruxmaps would be very useful to many people.

2. As far as I know there is no autopause function in Oruxmaps that stops all recording (time, distance, speed, heartrate,...) when there is no movement or if movement is slower than for example 2 km/h. Such an optional function would make it possible to export correct time in gpx files, which includes correct average speed and heartrate only when in movement. Net speed is already shown correctly in the track statistics, but when exporting a track, the average speed is used (which includes the time without movement). Another possibility is to show net heartrate next to the overall heartrate.

Hope I didn't miss those features in the settings of Oruxmaps, in that case please ignore my post Wink




Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-02-22

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