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How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps

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How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps Empty How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps

Post  lothibai Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:33 pm

I have installed the new mapsforge maps and I find them great.
But I have one question: When selecting a mapsforge map the zoom level is alsways 100%,"0", i.e. I see always the complete map as a small blank rectangle. Is there a setting to start with a reasonable Level, e.g. level 8?

Looking forward to some advice


Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-13

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How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps Empty Re: How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps

Post  orux Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:29 pm

lothibai wrote:I have installed the new mapsforge maps and I find them great.
But I have one question: When selecting a mapsforge map the zoom level is alsways 100%,"0", i.e. I see always the complete map as a small blank rectangle. Is there a setting to start with a reasonable Level, e.g. level 8?

Looking forward to some advice


Next time you open that map, OruxMaps should remember last used zoom level.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps Empty Zoom level is not remembered if I change to another region

Post  lothibai Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:22 pm

Hi Orux
Oruxmaps remembers the zoom level if you change the map on the same position. However if you change the country then the zoom level is set to 0. If you have e.g. selected the german vector map, change the zoom level e.g. to 9, afterwards change the map to Italy then you have zoom level 0. Also after increasing zoom level in Italy to e.g. 5 and change afterwards the map back to Germany you have again zoom level 0.

Hope you find a solution. A map which is not at the current position should start in the center of the map using a medium zoom level.

Best regards


Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-13

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How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps Empty Re: How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps

Post  orux Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:53 pm

lothibai wrote:Hi Orux
Oruxmaps remembers the zoom level if you change the map on the same position. However if you change the country then the zoom level is set to 0. If you have e.g. selected the german vector map, change the zoom level e.g. to 9, afterwards change the map to Italy then you have zoom level 0. Also after increasing zoom level in Italy to e.g. 5 and change afterwards the map back to Germany you have again zoom level 0.

Hope you find a solution. A map which is not at the current position should start in the center of the map using a medium zoom level.

Best regards

You are right, there is a bug;

the rule is:

should jump to the last point you were in the new open map (the center if first time) at the nearest zoom level to the current map (the map you are leaving).


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps Empty Re: How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps

Post  lothibai Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:22 am

Thank you, Orux!

I expect that you will fix that bug in one of the next versions.

Best Regards


Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-13

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How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps Empty Re: How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps

Post  orux Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:29 pm

lothibai wrote:Thank you, Orux!

I expect that you will fix that bug in one of the next versions.

Best Regards


Please, try with last beta--> www.oruxmaps.com/cs


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps Empty Re: How to change starting zoom level with mapsforge 0.3.0 maps

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