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Best GPS app for Android!

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Best GPS app for Android! Empty Best GPS app for Android!

Post  Ray Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:32 pm

Great application! I used it a couple of times now on my Hero while walking and cycling, works perfectly. The only advice I can give you is: add a donation option on your website Very Happy


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Best GPS app for Android! Empty Re: Best GPS app for Android!

Post  fito Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:27 am

Ray wrote:add a donation option on your website Very Happy
Couldn't agree more Smile


Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-01-28

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Best GPS app for Android! Empty works fine

Post  ivara Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:16 am

Got my HTC Hero back in january, downloaded Orux + Oruxmapsdesktop back then but didn't get the Ozi maps working. Then yesterday I checked for new versions and downloaded 1.45 of Oruxmapsdesktop, and I now have maps on my Hero Smile
Seems to work fine, now I only need to learn how to use it... Very Happy

One question: where do I check for the installed program version on the phone, and how is it updated?

- And , I agree that you should add a donate option on the website. If anything we can help cover the web hosting bills if you have to move from the free service at x10hosting. .


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Best GPS app for Android! Empty Re: Best GPS app for Android!

Post  orux Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:38 pm

ivara wrote:Got my HTC Hero back in january, downloaded Orux + Oruxmapsdesktop back then but didn't get the Ozi maps working. Then yesterday I checked for new versions and downloaded 1.45 of Oruxmapsdesktop, and I now have maps on my Hero Smile
Seems to work fine, now I only need to learn how to use it... Very Happy

It is easy; ask if you have problems;

ivara wrote:One question: where do I check for the installed program version on the phone, and how is it updated?


Android will tell you if there is a new update uploaded to the market (not if you are using a beta, if this is your situation, you have to check the forum).

ivara wrote:- And , I agree that you should add a donate option on the website. If anything we can help cover the web hosting bills if you have to move from the free service at x10hosting. .

Currently I have bought http://www.oruxmaps.com domain, and this weekend I am going to close x10hosting site (a redirection to the new site).

Yes I am going to add a donate button, because current balance, regardless of manpower (~ 1000 h) are approximately € -107 Smile


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Best GPS app for Android! Empty Re: Best GPS app for Android!

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