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How to use profiles and preferences?

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How to use profiles and preferences? Empty How to use profiles and preferences?

Post  lothibai Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:13 am

Hi folks
Oruxmaps has many possibilities for setup. In the settings there are two possibilities to store that settings.
My question is: what is the difference between saving preferences and profiles? Which settings are stored in the one and in the other case?
When storing profiles there is an alternativ
From default and from current. What is the difference?
Is there a possibility to update an existing profile?
Is there the possibility to save and restore different preferences?

Thank you a lot for giving me a short explanation of this feature!



Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-13

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How to use profiles and preferences? Empty Re: How to use profiles and preferences?

Post  orux Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:46 pm

lothibai wrote:Hi folks
Oruxmaps has many possibilities for setup. In the settings there are two possibilities to store that settings.
My question is: what is the difference between saving preferences and profiles? Which settings are stored in the one and in the other case?
When storing profiles there is an alternativ
From default and from current. What is the difference?
Is there a possibility to update an existing profile?
Is there the possibility to save and restore different preferences?

Thank you a lot for giving me a short explanation of this feature!



A profile is a set of preferences.

Create a new profile (a new set of preferences) using 'manage profiles' upper - right button.

There are always a 'default' profile.

When you create a new profile, you can create it by using the values ​​that have the current profile (you are currently using) or using the default profile settings.

When you select a profile, any changes you make in OruxMaps settings are saved in that profile.

When 'save preferences', all your profiles are saved to the sdcard, you can retrieve it later using the 'restore preferences'.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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