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Cannot load any larger map created with OruxDesktop

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Cannot load any larger map created with OruxDesktop Empty Cannot load any larger map created with OruxDesktop

Post  sp4m Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:35 pm


I've been trying for several weeks to get a working map using OruxDesktop without any success. Today I tried the same method, but with a smaller map, and it worked just great!

All my attempts at the larger maps results in a map which crashes immediately. Oruxmaps then loads ”World-map” instead.

Is there any size limit? I don't have much flash left on my phone, but plenty of free RAM (100-200MB).

I'm using a HTC Desire (European).
I've tried older versions of Oruxmaps as well as 4.8.61.
The map I'm trying to convert is a 77.1 MB .png file with 8570x12374 pixels.
It worked just fine when using a 320 KB .png file with 1130x572 pixels from the same source, using the same methods.
When converting the larger map to SQLite (JPEG 85%) i get a 13.9 MB file.
I'm using four different points for the map on this format:
X 298
Y 15
57.9401 N
12.4850 E
PROJECTION: Mercator 13 (not sure if this is correct, I've also tried UTM 33).

I can e-mail a link with the two converted maps and the png files, but I don't think it's a good idea to publish them here because of copyright reasons...

After conversion I get these .xml files:

Smaller map
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OruxTracker xmlns:orux="http://oruxtracker.com/app/res/calibration"
<MapCalibration layers="true" layerLevel="0">
<OruxTracker versionCode="2.1">
<MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="17">
<MapName><![CDATA[MiniMjorn 17]]></MapName>
<MapChunks xMax="3" yMax="2" datum="WGS 1984:Global Definition@WGS 1984:Global Definition" projection="Mercator,12" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="MiniMjorn 17" />
<MapDimensions height="572" width="1130" />
<MapBounds minLat="57.93257458821566" maxLat="57.94033215476785" minLon="12.477097389443482" maxLon="12.506798539907633" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="12.477186121250643" lat="57.94029216054933" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="12.506709808100481" lat="57.93261459103505" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="12.506798539907633" lat="57.94033215476785" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="12.477097389443482" lat="57.93257458821566" />

Larger map
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OruxTracker xmlns:orux="http://oruxtracker.com/app/res/calibration"
<MapCalibration layers="true" layerLevel="0">
<OruxTracker versionCode="2.1">
<MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="11">
<MapName><![CDATA[Mjorn 11]]></MapName>
<MapChunks xMax="17" yMax="25" datum="WGS 1984:Global Definition@WGS 1984:Global Definition" projection="Mercator,12" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="Mjorn 11" />
<MapDimensions height="12374" width="8570" />
<MapBounds minLat="18.742685781250266" maxLat="31.6253957528355" minLon="49.213039661165524" maxLon="59.21835286890217" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TL" lon="59.21873198798832" lat="18.4454222556418" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BR" lon="49.21266054207937" lat="31.89207057672505" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="TR" lon="59.21835286890217" lat="31.6253957528355" />
<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="49.213039661165524" lat="18.742685781250266" />

Thank you for a great application! If I get this to work I will definetely donate.
Kind regards
Albin, Sweden


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-08-23

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