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Upload to everytrail

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Upload to everytrail Empty Upload to everytrail

Post  x_myth Wed May 05, 2010 7:55 pm


First of all I must say that I really love this app! Very Happy

I've experimented with uploading my tracks to everytrail, but unfortunately the speed displayed doesnt seem to be proper.
The most of the time its 0 and then some spikes at 3600 km/h, wow thats fast for a mtb hehe Twisted Evil
It seems that the total time spend on the track is not proper aswell, few secs instead of one hour.

Does any one else experience the same problems, or am I doing something wrong while uploading???


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Upload to everytrail Empty Re: Upload to everytrail

Post  orux Wed May 05, 2010 8:47 pm

x_myth wrote:Hi!

First of all I must say that I really love this app! Very Happy

I've experimented with uploading my tracks to everytrail, but unfortunately the speed displayed doesnt seem to be proper.
The most of the time its 0 and then some spikes at 3600 km/h, wow thats fast for a mtb hehe Twisted Evil
It seems that the total time spend on the track is not proper aswell, few secs instead of one hour.

Does any one else experience the same problems, or am I doing something wrong while uploading???


It can occur when GPS accuracy is low, and we take two consecutive points in time. I have to study this, but it is not easy to dismiss points because there are people using oruxmaps at high speed, certainly not more than 1000 km / h Smile Speed is not zero (if you put the cursor over the graph you will see 4-15 km / h). The problem is that the scale of the graph is determined by the highest speed.

Upload to everytrail Dibujo1ga

About total time, not sure what is the problem; perhaps you can send me one of those gpx--->oruxuro@gmail.com


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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